We are pleased to inform you that the RBTUSD ICO has ended, and from now on conversions are available from RBT-STAKE TO RBTUSD, in order to convert RBT-STAKE to RBTUSD.

Frequent questions

1° How can I use RBT-STAKE?
RBT-STAKE coins can be used to pay for advertising campaigns throughout the Rhabits ecosystem, such as Connect or Play or any other service provided by Rhabits with a value of 1 USDT for each RBT-STAKE coin.

1° Pay Advertising 

2° Digital Content 

3° Pay GiftCards (Soon)

4 ° Pay In Market Place 

2° How to convert RBT-STAKE to RBTUSD?
To convert RBT-STAKE it is necessary to generate an average weekly balance, in RBTUSD.

The value of the average balance will be multiplied by 3%, which will give us the total value of the total conversion capacity. Minus the amount of RBTUSD already traded in the same week.
Formula: BP * SC- BTCP = BAC (Balance available for conversion).

SC = (Stake change) It is the percentage of available conversion capacity which can vary from 3% to 90%, this indicator is marked in the conversion window.

BP = Average Balance.
BTCP = Total balance already converted in the week.
BAC = Balance available for conversion.
(The calculation is generated from the time of conversion to exactly one week ago.)

3° What is the average weekly balance of RBTUSD?
The average balance is the average amount of money that remains in the account throughout the month.

4°How can I use RBTUSD?

1° Convert it into any other currency.

2° Buy any product within the Rhabits ecosystem.

3° Pay for digital content at https://exclusive.rhabits.io

4° Funding campaign to help charities or projects


5° How to obtain the average weekly balance of RBTUSD?

To obtain weekly average it is necessary to buy RBTUSD, with a credit card, debit card or any other available method, or convert from another cryptocurrency available in the Rhabits wallet to RBTUSD.


RBTUSD stablecoin price with value of (1 USDT)

RBTUSD technical information: https://coinmarket.rhabits.io/currency/rbtusd