The reason behind this is because of WoW Cataclysm Classic Gold the ability to conflagrate. This is a technique that can be cast upon someone who has high threat it's a four second casting and anyone who is targeted by this needs to quickly run away from the raid along with the rest of the players and if you're ranged or healer run to the upstairs door and in case you're distant or tank run the lower the healers and ranged have to send. but don't worry you won't get hit. them.

If you are involved in a conflict, you'll be confused for a moment and will suffer a massive amount damages from the fire.. You have to replenish whoever is in conflict. If you have the ability to eye block or bump yourself, go for it. If you're not able to, I highly recommend having a PvP trinket and be ready to use it over time.

You can probably skip using this, but particularly on progression and with pugs you'll end up doing yourself and other people an enormous favor by doing this. Make sure to use an appropriate headstone following the trinket in order to top yourself off and not die like I did in this case to aid up detecting who LFS is casting her a conflict on . There are a few ineffective or you could employ a bit. The best method I've discovered is to have WoW Cataclysm Gold for sale allathee is on target and then examine who she's targeting.