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    Hola les presento un bot baby doge ✅ Retiro solicitado Su solicitud de retiro ha sido recibida con éxito. Recibirás tu airdrop dentro de las 2 semanas posteriores al 18 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2022. 💳 Detalles de la transacción: 79403920.000000000 BABYDOGE a la billetera DLfLDTxQDHPcVhobrczd47K3CWuzKedtjS 📤 Estado de retiro Visite @BabyDogeSponsorAirdrop para ver el estado de su retiro. Link de registro https://t.me/BabyDogeSponsorAirdropBot?start=748802595
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  • ???Post from my beloved friend brorher in Christ Jesus Jewish Amir Tsarfati message:
    Made it to London to start this morning the recording of Revealing Revelation’s audio book prior to my speaking engagements over the coming weekend.
    I tried to process last night’s events in Israel.
    Two young Israeli Arabs from a town less than 45 minutes away from where I live, decided to join ISIS and went to shoot Israelis in Hadera, a neighboring city to the famous historic Ceasarea by the sea.
    Why am I so outraged? Because my prime minister asked his people when they are being interviewed to separate this incident from whatever comes out of Gaza. As if Islamic terrorism that kills innocent Israeli citizens is any different if it comes from Gaza.
    The US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, that is currently visiting Israel condemned the terror act but failed not to pay a visit to Ramallah where he met with the Palestinian president that pays stipends to families of terrorists.
    The US administration is so eager to “stick it” to Putin that it running towards a shameful agreement with Iran, removing the IRGC from the terror organization list, honoring terrorists supporters in Ramallah and willing to cut a deal with Venezuela’s Maduro for oil.
    Last but not least - Zelenskyy begged NATO yesterday to give him only 1% of their dusting tanks so he can win this war. Ofcourse it goes without saying that he got a NO for an answer. After all, NATO will fight Russia until the last Ukrainian.
    From: Amir Tsarfati??
    Bible bites devotional:
    Christ died so that we could be rendered innocent, and He did this while we were yet sinners. Justification is a wonderful thing that we should rejoice in every day until the Lord takes us home!

    ✝️❤️???Post from my beloved friend brorher in Christ Jesus Jewish Amir Tsarfati message: Made it to London to start this morning the recording of Revealing Revelation’s audio book prior to my speaking engagements over the coming weekend. I tried to process last night’s events in Israel. Two young Israeli Arabs from a town less than 45 minutes away from where I live, decided to join ISIS and went to shoot Israelis in Hadera, a neighboring city to the famous historic Ceasarea by the sea. Why am I so outraged? Because my prime minister asked his people when they are being interviewed to separate this incident from whatever comes out of Gaza. As if Islamic terrorism that kills innocent Israeli citizens is any different if it comes from Gaza. The US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, that is currently visiting Israel condemned the terror act but failed not to pay a visit to Ramallah where he met with the Palestinian president that pays stipends to families of terrorists. The US administration is so eager to “stick it” to Putin that it running towards a shameful agreement with Iran, removing the IRGC from the terror organization list, honoring terrorists supporters in Ramallah and willing to cut a deal with Venezuela’s Maduro for oil. Last but not least - Zelenskyy begged NATO yesterday to give him only 1% of their dusting tanks so he can win this war. Ofcourse it goes without saying that he got a NO for an answer. After all, NATO will fight Russia until the last Ukrainian. ____________________________ From: Amir Tsarfati✝️❤️?? Bible bites devotional: Christ died so that we could be rendered innocent, and He did this while we were yet sinners. Justification is a wonderful thing that we should rejoice in every day until the Lord takes us home! https://mailchi.mp/beholdisrael/amirs-bible-bites-devotionals-1007028?fbclid=IwAR0chPcPzCo3R270ch4ixlNGEXjAdZMyy6_6C1P1cy958xCinoOcRNeDBYM
    1 التعليقات 1 نشر 832 ظهور
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    0 التعليقات 0 نشر 191 ظهور
  • WEXO
    categoria: wallet con bonus di registrazione
    Accettato qualsiasi documento, anche carta di identità cartacea e la patente!!!
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    Se in qualche fase della registrazione dovesse chiedervi un codice amico, inserite questo ?
    ? V8UCR3?
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    3️) Ora scaricate l'app di Wexo (da questo link ? https://play.google.com/store/apps/details... )
    ed effettuate la verifica documenti da lì ?
    Cliccate l'icona in basso a destra dell' app
    (Se cliccando appare un messaggio un cui vi viene chiesto di verificare il vostro profilo, verificate di non aver lasciato vuoto nessun campo
    nel passaggio indicato al punto 2
    Cliccate l'icona in basso a destra “MY PROFILE” —> "PERSONAL DATA")
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    WEXO categoria: wallet con bonus di registrazione ⚠️NESSUN COSTO!!! BONUS GRATUITO SENZA ALCUN DEPOSITO! 10€ BONUS BENVENUTO 10€ BONUS PER OGNI INVITATO Accettato qualsiasi documento, anche carta di identità cartacea e la patente!!! ⚙️COME REGISTRARSI? 1️) Clicca sul link ed inizia la registrazione ? https://auth.wexopay.com/nr/3MnoxyZhpc Se in qualche fase della registrazione dovesse chiedervi un codice amico, inserite questo ? ? V8UCR3? 2️) Una volta effettuati i primi passaggi ed entrati nel vostro account, cliccate l'icona Profilo in alto a destra, Quindi cliccate 'Setting' ed inserite tutti i vostri dati 3️) Ora scaricate l'app di Wexo (da questo link ? https://play.google.com/store/apps/details... ) ed effettuate la verifica documenti da lì ? Cliccate l'icona in basso a destra dell' app 'MY PROFILE' > IDENTIFY VERIFICATION (Se cliccando appare un messaggio un cui vi viene chiesto di verificare il vostro profilo, verificate di non aver lasciato vuoto nessun campo nel passaggio indicato al punto 2 Cliccate l'icona in basso a destra “MY PROFILE” —> "PERSONAL DATA") 4️) Ricevuta la verifica dei documenti, che è molto rapida (il provider è ONFIDO, quindi molto affidabile!), dovete riscattare i 10€ di benvenuto PER RISCATTARE IL BONUS: ? Cliccate sulla scritta in fondo alla dashboard 'MY PROFILE' > “AFFILIATE PROGRAM” —> “REWARDS AND USERS” e fate "CLAIM" sui primi 10 WEXO = 10€ Stessa procedura di "CLAIM" dopo che vi arriva il BONUS dai vostri amici invitati!!!
    0 التعليقات 0 نشر 217 ظهور
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