• Healthcare Influencer Marketing: What You Need to Know?

    Explore how healthcare influencer marketing drives success and learn why healthcare influencers are essential for your brand and growth in the healthcare industry. Influencer marketing is when you promote something using people who can change how others see your brand. These people are called influencers. A healthcare influencer is someone who helps others make decisions about their health by sharing their knowledge or personal experiences. These people can be doctors, nurses, nutritionists, or just ordinary people who have faced and overcome health problems.

    Visit: - https://www.geekmaster.io/blogs/healthcare-influencer-marketing-what-you-need-to-know/
    Healthcare Influencer Marketing: What You Need to Know? Explore how healthcare influencer marketing drives success and learn why healthcare influencers are essential for your brand and growth in the healthcare industry. Influencer marketing is when you promote something using people who can change how others see your brand. These people are called influencers. A healthcare influencer is someone who helps others make decisions about their health by sharing their knowledge or personal experiences. These people can be doctors, nurses, nutritionists, or just ordinary people who have faced and overcome health problems. Visit: - https://www.geekmaster.io/blogs/healthcare-influencer-marketing-what-you-need-to-know/
    Healthcare Influencer Marketing: What You Need to Know?
    Explore how healthcare influencer marketing drives success & learn why healthcare influencers are essential for your brand's growth in the healthcare industry.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1644 Views
  • Binance Square: A new frontier for crypto social networking
    I'm excited to announce the launch of Binance Square, a new social networking platform for crypto enthusiasts! Binance Square is a rebranded version of Binance Feed, with a new focus on user-generated content and community engagement.

    I'm particularly excited about the monetization features that Binance Square has to offer. Creators can now earn tips from their followers and receive affiliate commissions for promoting products and services. This is a great way for crypto experts and influencers to monetize their knowledge and share it with the community.

    I encourage everyone to check out Binance Square and see what it's all about. It's a great place to connect with other crypto enthusiasts, learn more about the industry, and stay up-to-date on the latest news and developments.#BinanceSquare #Cryptonew #Twitter
    Binance Square: A new frontier for crypto social networking I'm excited to announce the launch of Binance Square, a new social networking platform for crypto enthusiasts! Binance Square is a rebranded version of Binance Feed, with a new focus on user-generated content and community engagement. I'm particularly excited about the monetization features that Binance Square has to offer. Creators can now earn tips from their followers and receive affiliate commissions for promoting products and services. This is a great way for crypto experts and influencers to monetize their knowledge and share it with the community. I encourage everyone to check out Binance Square and see what it's all about. It's a great place to connect with other crypto enthusiasts, learn more about the industry, and stay up-to-date on the latest news and developments.#BinanceSquare #Cryptonew #Twitter
    0 Comments 0 Shares 3946 Views
  • Saludos, quiero compartirte la tarjeta digital de LinnkUp pienso puede serte muy útil pues es tu presencia digital muy profesional y muy práctica para negocios, profesionistas, youtubers, influencers, etc.
    Podrás mostrar tu negocio, tus productos y servicios, tus horarios, tus contactos tel, WhatsApp, redes sociales con solo compartir una liga o código QR. Crear una lista de clientes, compartir tus novedades o promociones e infinidad de cosas más, la versión gratis viene muy completa, aunque la versión Pro libera todas las posibilidades. Utiliza la y cualquier duda estoy para ayudarte, saludos, abrazos y te deseo mucho éxito!
    Saludos, quiero compartirte la tarjeta digital de LinnkUp pienso puede serte muy útil pues es tu presencia digital muy profesional y muy práctica para negocios, profesionistas, youtubers, influencers, etc. Podrás mostrar tu negocio, tus productos y servicios, tus horarios, tus contactos tel, WhatsApp, redes sociales con solo compartir una liga o código QR. Crear una lista de clientes, compartir tus novedades o promociones e infinidad de cosas más, la versión gratis viene muy completa, aunque la versión Pro libera todas las posibilidades. Utiliza la y cualquier duda estoy para ayudarte, saludos, abrazos y te deseo mucho éxito! https://linnkup.com/pwa/registro.php?codsus=MFCWBH
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2794 Views
    Video: https://youtu.be/8SnGkb2y7Vw
    MONETIZA tu INSTAGRAM | o ANUNCIANTE sin Google Ads o Facebook Ads | MARKETING De INFLUENCERS Video: https://youtu.be/8SnGkb2y7Vw
    4 Comments 0 Shares 1231 Views
  • ??? SWEATCOIN ???
    Link: https://sweatco.in/i/antoniosimeone44595654113
    L'applicazione SWEATCOIN esiste già da molti anni ed è stata una delle primissime app (se non proprio la prima) nel suo settore!
    Fin'ora era solamente possibile scambiare i punti accumulati tramite i passi con degli oggetti o dei servizi all'interno dello store, ma da settembre 2022 sweatcoin entrerà nel mondo crypto, andandosi quindi ad inserire di fatto nel comparto Move2earn, uno dei trend di maggior tendenza secondo le previsioni per i prossimi anni (applicazioni come Stepn e stepdrop sono gia molto famose ed utilizzate), con la differenza che sweatcoin ha già dalla sua la forza di aver ottenuto l'approvazione di 100 MILIONI DI UTENTI di utenti in tutto il mondo, essendo stata l'app numero uno sugli store di più di 60 paesi!
    Sarà quindi possibile scambiare i punti accumulati in vere e proprie crypto in un rapporto 1:1, che saranno poi scambiabili per altre crypto negli exchange o per euro!
    Nel whitepaper si legge chiaramente che dal momento che sweatcoin entrerà nel mondo crypto (su blockchain NEAR) sarà poi sempre più difficile accumularne, dato che man mano passa il tempo serviranno sempre più passi per avere 1 moneta (ci saranno dei veri e propri "halving")!
    Il nostro consiglio è quindi installare adesso l'app (prima che avvenga lo switch in crypto) e iniziare ad ammassarne quante più possibile adesso!
    All'interno dell'app ci sono poi molteplici possibilità per avere ancora più punti, come ad esempio un booster x2 giornaliero della durata di 20 minuti durante il quale tutti i nostri passi verranno considerati doppi, alcuni drop giornalieri gratuiti guardando degli ads, oppure la possibilità di invitare i nostri amici e ricevere 5 punti per ogni amico presentato!
    Alcuni influencers e youtuber hanno provato a calcolare quale sarà il valore di uno SWEAT (moneta crypto) e il valore dovrebbe inizialmente aggirarsi sui 20/25 centesimi! Ovviamente queste sono solo delle stime basate sugli attuali costi dei servizi acquistabili tramite gli attuali punti di sweatcoin, è chiaro che quando la crypto SWEAT sarà lanciata saranno poi i mercati a deciderne il valore!
    L'azienda sta comunque creando tutta una serie di meccanismi per portare valore sul mercato quindi il progetto potrebbe essere molto valido e la moneta salire molto di quotazione!
    Maggiori informazioni sono reperibili qui: https://sweateconomy.com/
    Link: https://sweatco.in/i/antoniosimeone44595654113
    ??? SWEATCOIN ??? APP TOTALMENTE GRATIS CHE TI PAGA PER CAMMINARE E PER FARE ATTIVITÀ FISICA! ??‍♀?‍♂??‍♀ Link: https://sweatco.in/i/antoniosimeone44595654113 L'applicazione SWEATCOIN esiste già da molti anni ed è stata una delle primissime app (se non proprio la prima) nel suo settore! Fin'ora era solamente possibile scambiare i punti accumulati tramite i passi con degli oggetti o dei servizi all'interno dello store, ma da settembre 2022 sweatcoin entrerà nel mondo crypto, andandosi quindi ad inserire di fatto nel comparto Move2earn, uno dei trend di maggior tendenza secondo le previsioni per i prossimi anni (applicazioni come Stepn e stepdrop sono gia molto famose ed utilizzate), con la differenza che sweatcoin ha già dalla sua la forza di aver ottenuto l'approvazione di 100 MILIONI DI UTENTI di utenti in tutto il mondo, essendo stata l'app numero uno sugli store di più di 60 paesi! Sarà quindi possibile scambiare i punti accumulati in vere e proprie crypto in un rapporto 1:1, che saranno poi scambiabili per altre crypto negli exchange o per euro! Nel whitepaper si legge chiaramente che dal momento che sweatcoin entrerà nel mondo crypto (su blockchain NEAR) sarà poi sempre più difficile accumularne, dato che man mano passa il tempo serviranno sempre più passi per avere 1 moneta (ci saranno dei veri e propri "halving")! Il nostro consiglio è quindi installare adesso l'app (prima che avvenga lo switch in crypto) e iniziare ad ammassarne quante più possibile adesso! All'interno dell'app ci sono poi molteplici possibilità per avere ancora più punti, come ad esempio un booster x2 giornaliero della durata di 20 minuti durante il quale tutti i nostri passi verranno considerati doppi, alcuni drop giornalieri gratuiti guardando degli ads, oppure la possibilità di invitare i nostri amici e ricevere 5 punti per ogni amico presentato! Alcuni influencers e youtuber hanno provato a calcolare quale sarà il valore di uno SWEAT (moneta crypto) e il valore dovrebbe inizialmente aggirarsi sui 20/25 centesimi! Ovviamente queste sono solo delle stime basate sugli attuali costi dei servizi acquistabili tramite gli attuali punti di sweatcoin, è chiaro che quando la crypto SWEAT sarà lanciata saranno poi i mercati a deciderne il valore! L'azienda sta comunque creando tutta una serie di meccanismi per portare valore sul mercato quindi il progetto potrebbe essere molto valido e la moneta salire molto di quotazione! Maggiori informazioni sono reperibili qui: https://sweateconomy.com/ Link: https://sweatco.in/i/antoniosimeone44595654113 RICORDATI DI UTILIZZARE IL NOSTRO LINK DI CUI INNANZI QUANDO SCARICHI L'APPLICAZIONE!!!
    Sweatcoin: Healthier planet. Healthier, wealthier you
    Join our 100M+ users to become part of the movement economy. Sweatcoin app converts your steps into sweatcoins — virtual currency that you can spend on products and services. It Pays to Walk.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1835 Views

  • How to Create Your Own Email Domain Free
    Section 1: Introduction This post will walk you through the process of creating your own email domain for free with Gmail and G Suite. G Suite is a productivity tool from Google that enables individuals to use Gmail with their own custom email address. A domai..
    08 Sep
    G Suite Review: Google Business Email
    G Suite is a collection of online apps by Google that businesses and individuals could use to enhance workflow and productivity. Before this suite came along, you probably depended on Microsoft Office to get anything done in a team setting. Back then, yo..
    14 Jul
    The Upcoming Bust of the Hand Sanitizer Market
    Hoping to clean up in the hand sanitizer business, a horde of entrepreneurs have upended the category by attempting to capitalize on an opportunity driven by the COVID19 virus. In a buying frenzy, product flew off of store shelves creating massive demand. ..
    02 Jul
    The FTC, CBD and the Law During Covid19
    Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, a number of cannabis companies that advertised CBD products as effective in preventing or treating COVID-19 without obtaining U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval have become targets of Federal Trade Commission (FTC) enf..
    19 Feb
    Why Email Marketing Works Better Than Social Media
    Social media is an undeniable asset to modern marketing campaigns, providing brands with direct access to prospective customers as well as offering up a cavalcade of creative ways to promote products and sell services. However, with hundreds of billions of em..
    10 Feb
    International Career Institute: How to Market an EDU Offer
    One of the top EDU offers out there today is International Career Institute. The pursuit of education has changed in the past decade. An increasing number of students have sought career-oriented education tailored to their specific needs. Convenience, releva..
    23 Jan
    StubHub Accused of Massive Cheating of Affiliates
    Secondary ticketing site StubHub has just been named in a lawsuit by Spotlight Ticket Management, which alleges that StubHub has violated federal and state law by underreporting commissionable transactions. Spotlight, which licenses software and ticket platfor..
    08 Jan
    Yes, Most of Influencer Marketing is Fraudulent
    As an industry that has a history of settling for vanity metrics, influencer marketing is particularly susceptible to fraud. Recently, CBS reported that influencer marketing suffered from $1.3B in fraud in 2019. More than half of influencers in the UK had en..

    How to Create Your Own Email Domain Free Section 1: Introduction This post will walk you through the process of creating your own email domain for free with Gmail and G Suite. G Suite is a productivity tool from Google that enables individuals to use Gmail with their own custom email address. A domai.. 08 Sep G Suite Review: Google Business Email G Suite is a collection of online apps by Google that businesses and individuals could use to enhance workflow and productivity. Before this suite came along, you probably depended on Microsoft Office to get anything done in a team setting. Back then, yo.. 14 Jul The Upcoming Bust of the Hand Sanitizer Market Hoping to clean up in the hand sanitizer business, a horde of entrepreneurs have upended the category by attempting to capitalize on an opportunity driven by the COVID19 virus. In a buying frenzy, product flew off of store shelves creating massive demand. .. 02 Jul The FTC, CBD and the Law During Covid19 Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, a number of cannabis companies that advertised CBD products as effective in preventing or treating COVID-19 without obtaining U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval have become targets of Federal Trade Commission (FTC) enf.. 19 Feb Why Email Marketing Works Better Than Social Media Social media is an undeniable asset to modern marketing campaigns, providing brands with direct access to prospective customers as well as offering up a cavalcade of creative ways to promote products and sell services. However, with hundreds of billions of em.. 10 Feb International Career Institute: How to Market an EDU Offer One of the top EDU offers out there today is International Career Institute. The pursuit of education has changed in the past decade. An increasing number of students have sought career-oriented education tailored to their specific needs. Convenience, releva.. 23 Jan StubHub Accused of Massive Cheating of Affiliates Secondary ticketing site StubHub has just been named in a lawsuit by Spotlight Ticket Management, which alleges that StubHub has violated federal and state law by underreporting commissionable transactions. Spotlight, which licenses software and ticket platfor.. 08 Jan Yes, Most of Influencer Marketing is Fraudulent As an industry that has a history of settling for vanity metrics, influencer marketing is particularly susceptible to fraud. Recently, CBS reported that influencer marketing suffered from $1.3B in fraud in 2019. More than half of influencers in the UK had en.. https://www.cpagrip.com/signup.php?ref=633674
    0 Comments 0 Shares 3958 Views
  • On March 14, 2022, SpacePi officially deployed the contract in BSC, and the liquidity pool was directly locked all year round.
    SpacePi ranked first in the global blockchain hot search list. On March 20, the transaction volume exceeded 100 million US dollars, and the SpacePi Token holding address broke over 600,000, with multiple exchanges officially listed in SpacePi!l

    The SpacePi Pioneer Community is one of the largest Pi Network communities in the world.

    The SpacePi Pioneer community covers more than 70 countries and regions and has nearly 1.5 million Pi Network members.
    The SpacePi Pioneer Community is a diverse team composed of the following people: social media administrators , web designers, graphic designers, artists, developers, product developers, finance people, IT security teams, investors, influencers and software engineers.

    As a pioneer, SpacePi promotes the belief and consensus, future and value of Pi Network to the outside world. The pioneers of SpacePi decided to deploy contracts in the BSC ecological chain and create a spiritual home for Pi Network in the BSC ecological chain.
    The purpose is to give more spiritual sustenance to the majority of Pi Network members!

    CoinMarketCap and Coingecko, as the two top and most comprehensive blockchain encryption data statistics platforms in the world, Officially listed SpacePi on March 24 and 25, 2022 respectively!

    Source Link: https://www.bsc.news/post/spacepi-aims-to-make-the-pi-network-ecological-application-value-wider-and-greater
    On March 14, 2022, SpacePi officially deployed the contract in BSC, and the liquidity pool was directly locked all year round. SpacePi ranked first in the global blockchain hot search list. On March 20, the transaction volume exceeded 100 million US dollars, and the SpacePi Token holding address broke over 600,000, with multiple exchanges officially listed in SpacePi!l The SpacePi Pioneer Community is one of the largest Pi Network communities in the world. The SpacePi Pioneer community covers more than 70 countries and regions and has nearly 1.5 million Pi Network members. The SpacePi Pioneer Community is a diverse team composed of the following people: social media administrators , web designers, graphic designers, artists, developers, product developers, finance people, IT security teams, investors, influencers and software engineers. As a pioneer, SpacePi promotes the belief and consensus, future and value of Pi Network to the outside world. The pioneers of SpacePi decided to deploy contracts in the BSC ecological chain and create a spiritual home for Pi Network in the BSC ecological chain. The purpose is to give more spiritual sustenance to the majority of Pi Network members! CoinMarketCap and Coingecko, as the two top and most comprehensive blockchain encryption data statistics platforms in the world, Officially listed SpacePi on March 24 and 25, 2022 respectively! Source Link: https://www.bsc.news/post/spacepi-aims-to-make-the-pi-network-ecological-application-value-wider-and-greater
    SpacePi Aims To Make The Pi Network Ecological Application Value Wider And Greater
    SpacePi was officially launched on March 14 and was one of the most searched tokens in the crypto space with more than 600K holders.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 835 Views
  • https://www.yesstyle.com/es/influencers.html?irirco=00810SKSKAIS&utm_term=00810SKSKAIS&utm_medium=infreferral&mcg=influencer&utm_source=influencer&utm_campaign=iriprivate
    1 Comments 0 Shares 1422 Views
  • https://www.yesstyle.com/es/influencers.html?irirco=JAZAME271219&utm_term=JAZAME271219&utm_medium=infreferral&mcg=influencer&utm_source=influencer&utm_campaign=iriprivate
    YesStyle Influencers | YesStyle
    ¡Recomiéndanos y obtén tus recompensas! Conviértete en Influencer de YesStyle para poder disfrutar de beneficios exclusivos en YesStyle.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 299 Views
  • Contentos is a blockchain protocol that aims to form the foundation for a decentralized digital content ecosystem that empowers all members, including creators, consumers, and advertisers, to earn fair compensation for their contributions. Contentos also intends to establish itself as the future Ethereum of digital content, accepting content DApps of all kinds. Contentos is a blockchain protocol that aims to form the foundation for a decentralized digital content ecosystem that empowers all members, including creators, consumers, and advertisers, to earn fair compensation for their contributions. Contentos also intends to establish itself as the future Ethereum of digital content, accepting content DApps of all kinds. Social media offers the opportunity for every user to have a platform dedicated to the promotion of their individual visions of the world at large. The current content ecosystem is run by centralized platforms that depend on advertising for revenue. Content creators are, therefore, pressured to produce content that is approved by advertisers instead of following their creative muses and expressing themselves freely. The constraints inherent to ad-driven content platforms begs the question of just how much freedom of expression is actually allowable. Are these individual influencer world views being traded in for carefully-crafted sponsored content for the masses? Furthermore, when looking at the bottom line, it’s imperative to ask the question, where is the majority of the money going? In the current content system, corporate platforms reap the lion’s share of rewards generated by ad dollars, leaving mere pennies to the influencers whose content the platforms depend on. These tech giants tempt content creators with promises of viable income while exploiting their creations for their own gain. In this model, creators and users lose while the tech platforms flourish at their expense. At Contentos, we believe all members of the content ecosystem should benefit from their contributions. By utilizing the tokenization enabled by blockchain technology, Contentos aims to bring to life the dream of a more fair and democratic content environment. Content creation, curation, distribution, storage, and verification are all rewarded in COS tokens, the unique cryptocurrency powering the Contentos ecosystem.
    Contentos is a blockchain protocol that aims to form the foundation for a decentralized digital content ecosystem that empowers all members, including creators, consumers, and advertisers, to earn fair compensation for their contributions. Contentos also intends to establish itself as the future Ethereum of digital content, accepting content DApps of all kinds. Contentos is a blockchain protocol that aims to form the foundation for a decentralized digital content ecosystem that empowers all members, including creators, consumers, and advertisers, to earn fair compensation for their contributions. Contentos also intends to establish itself as the future Ethereum of digital content, accepting content DApps of all kinds. Social media offers the opportunity for every user to have a platform dedicated to the promotion of their individual visions of the world at large. The current content ecosystem is run by centralized platforms that depend on advertising for revenue. Content creators are, therefore, pressured to produce content that is approved by advertisers instead of following their creative muses and expressing themselves freely. The constraints inherent to ad-driven content platforms begs the question of just how much freedom of expression is actually allowable. Are these individual influencer world views being traded in for carefully-crafted sponsored content for the masses? Furthermore, when looking at the bottom line, it’s imperative to ask the question, where is the majority of the money going? In the current content system, corporate platforms reap the lion’s share of rewards generated by ad dollars, leaving mere pennies to the influencers whose content the platforms depend on. These tech giants tempt content creators with promises of viable income while exploiting their creations for their own gain. In this model, creators and users lose while the tech platforms flourish at their expense. At Contentos, we believe all members of the content ecosystem should benefit from their contributions. By utilizing the tokenization enabled by blockchain technology, Contentos aims to bring to life the dream of a more fair and democratic content environment. Content creation, curation, distribution, storage, and verification are all rewarded in COS tokens, the unique cryptocurrency powering the Contentos ecosystem.
    2 Comments 0 Shares 3160 Views
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