Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems, or Shelf Carousel for short, are intended to improve the effectiveness of picking procedures through optimization. But could you elaborate on exactly what those efficiencies are, as well as the key benefits that you anticipate Smart Medicine Cabinet will bring to your operations? What are the benefits of utilizing automated storage and retrieval systems as opposed to the more conventional rack and shelving?

1. A more efficient use of floor space results in an increase in storage capacity
One of the most immediately noticeable advantages of vertical lift machines is the significant amount of space they save.  technologies provide high density storage in a small footprint by eliminating the wasted aisle space that shelving requires and by utilizing the full ceiling height of your facility.



These dynamic systems make use of totes, bins, dividers, drawers, and specialty holders that are configured in a very specific way in order to organize inventory in the most effective manner possible and to maximize storage capacity. In addition, the integrated inventory management software manages the cube space dynamically within the storage system, which keeps all of the inventory tightly compressed.

A more effective utilization of the available floor space is achieved as a result of the automated storage and retrieval unit's capacity for compact storage. For example, the equivalent amount of inventory that is kept in 120 bays of static shelving can be condensed into two horizontal carousel modules, which saves 66% of the available space; two vertical carousel modules, which saves 75% of the available space; one Smart Medicine Cabinet buffer module, which saves 75% of the available floor space; or one vertical lift storage modules lift module, which saves 85% of the available space.

The value of the recovered floor space is directly proportional to the utilization of that space. The vacant space may be put to use in increasing the capabilities of the manufacturing operation, providing space for an increased inventory, introducing a kitting procedure, or integrating a quality control check. You also have the option of renting out the newly available space under a sublease, which would bring in additional revenue.

2. Demand for Less Workforce Resulting From This
The reduction in the need for manual labor is the advantage of automated storage and retrieval systems that comes in second place. The "goods to person" concept utilized by automated vertical storage system units facilitates the delivery of the necessary item directly to the operator, thereby drastically cutting down on the amount of time operators spend walking around and looking for things. It's not uncommon for workers to rack up miles of walking during the course of a shift (use a pedometer to keep track of how far you travel), and the time spent walking is time that's gone to waste. In a manual operation, associates frequently spend as much as sixty to sixty-five percent of their shifts walking. This is because the workers must travel to the stored items. In addition, once a worker arrives at a picking destination, they are required to visually search the shelves in order to find the appropriate item and match up the part numbers, which is a process that can take several minutes or even longer. A worker who is utilizing vertical storage carousel technology is able to remain within the designated work area while the machines deliver stored items to the operator as required. Pick lights illuminate the item's location as well as the pick quantity that is required. This reduces the amount of time an operator must spend looking for a particular item, which in turn results in more time being spent picking.

Additionally, because the automated solution interfaces with software for both inventory management and order management, the picks are sequenced in such a way that the movement of the machine is optimized to match the required picks. This helps to ensure that no items are overlooked. This means that all items can be picked from the machine's storage bins or trays in a single rotation, which further maximizes the amount of time available for picking.

Because one worker utilizing  can handle the picking assignments of multiple operators in a manual system, you are able to reassign as much as two-thirds of your manual picking labor to other tasks that do not involve picking without experiencing a loss in throughput. Implementing these automated storage solutions is another option that can compensate for labor that is either hard to come by or unreliable.

3. Increased Accuracy in Picking
The picking process includes multiple steps, each of which presents a new opportunity for human error. When a process relies more heavily on human intervention, the likelihood of making mistakes increases.

ASRS systems integrate with a variety of light-directed picking technologies as well as integrated message centers that communicate pick information to the operator. This results in a high level of pick accuracy. Together, these systems pinpoint the exact location of the item to be picked, display the part number or description, indicate the required quantity, direct picking (or storage for replenishment), and display the part number or description. Additionally, they indicate the precise area within the carrier that contains the item that needs to be picked. These visual picking aids increase accuracy by up to 99.9% and reduce the number of picking errors that occur.

4. An increase in the number of picks per minute
When picking is done manually, pickers frequently only work on one order at a time, which results in pick rates of approximately 50 lines per hour. The goods-to-person delivery concept is utilized by ASRS technologies. This helps to eliminate walk and search time, which in turn doubles throughput. The throughput rates can be increased by a factor of two simply by integrating pick-to-light systems, which point the operator to the precise location of the pick.

The integrated inventory management software will sequence the picks so that they can be completed in a single rotation (or cycle) of the unit by using batch picking. Batch picking is a process that groups together orders that share an item or items in common. After picking multiple instances of the same item, the items are brought to a nearby workstation where they are arranged into the appropriate orders. Due to the fact that multiple orders can be fulfilled simultaneously, throughput rates can be increased by a further factor of two.

5. Improved Capacity to Control Inventory
Inventory is managed in a way that is safe, secure, and under control by solutions provided by ASRS. These solutions house inventory within an entirely enclosed system. Through the use of a unique login and password, the system has the capability of being set up so that only authorized personnel will have access to the stored inventory. This makes it possible to trace lost or misplaced items to a particular person even if they were not found. Because of this increased level of accountability and security, inventory shrinkage and the detrimental effects it has on the bottom line are eliminated.

In addition, the items are kept clean and shielded from dirt, dust, and any other environmental contaminants that may be present. This not only makes them more useful for a longer period of time, but it also cuts down on the number of products or components that have to be thrown away because they were damaged.

A facility's warehouse management system (WMS) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems can be interfaced with machines, which enables you to closely monitor stock levels in real time. This, in turn, enables you to potentially eliminate the need for physical counts, which in turn reduces the amount of inventory that must be kept on hand. It is also possible to use picking procedures known as FIFO (first in, first out) or LIFO (last in, first out) in order to increase the turnover rate of the inventory.

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6. A more ergonomic approach
Every item that is stored in an Medicine Cabinet has the capability of being delivered to the operator at the ideal ergonomic height, also known as the "Golden Zone," which is located between the shoulders and the knees of the user. It is unnecessary to bend down to retrieve an item stored low or stretch up to grab an item stored high because the items are displayed on shelves, trays, or bins that are conveniently placed within reach. When using certain types of ASRS, the incorporation of a lift table may be required in order to realize this ergonomic advantage. This results in a significantly lower risk of workers sustaining injuries, being absent from work, having their insurance premiums increased, and making claims for worker's compensation.

In addition, by delivering items directly to the operator and removing the need for the operator to walk between the rows of shelving, operator fatigue can be reduced.