If you've ever tried to write a story, you know that it can be a daunting task. After all, a good story is filled with intrigue and suspense, and it's hard to keep the reader engaged without a good outline. But making an outline isn't as difficult as you might think, and it can actually help you write a better story. In this article, we'll introduce you to the importance of making an outline in narrative writing, and show you how to use an outline to improve your writing skills with Delia Laboni. Ready to get started?



What is an outline?


An outline is simply a guide for telling your story. It helps you organize your thoughts and keep track of the important events in your story so that you can easily connect them together later on. By following an outline, you'll avoid common narrative writing problems such as plot holes and inconsistencies. In fact, using an outline can even help increase your productivity – because it will make it easier for you to stay focused while writing.

Why use an outline?

There are several benefits to using an outlining system when writing a narrative:

1) It will help you to stay organized.

2) It will minimize your chances of producing plot holes and inconsistencies.

3) It can increase your productivity because it will make it easier for you to stay focused while writing.

4) It can make the revision and editing process much smoother since you'll be able to see exactly where each scene fits into the larger story structure.



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It was a challenging journey for Delia Iaboni but now she is one of the top writers of narrative fiction. She is known for writing a wide range of stories that can educate, entertain and inspire anyone who reads her works.


On her website, you can find out more about Delia’s stories, novels, and writing process.