Do you mean that they function in the same way as ratchet tie down straps? This is one of the top five questions that people ask us the most frequently, and if we were to rank all of the questions that they ask, this one would be in the top spot. This is a question that a significant number of people ask, despite the fact that it might not be the most significant one. It never ceases to amaze me how many people are under the misguided impression that cam straps and ratchet straps can be interchanged for one another. A clear and concise explanation of cam straps is going to be provided in the following paragraph. In order to help you better understand what it is that we mean, let's use ratchet straps as an example. As you proceed with this article, it is important to keep in mind that not all cam straps are constructed in the same way. The buckle is the distinguishing feature, and we have the leading edge in this area. The rollercam buckle is regarded as one of the very best available options currently.

Belt buckles or shoulder straps that have a cam mechanismCam buckles and cam straps are frequently mentioned in the product descriptions provided by manufacturers. There is no possible way to overstate the significance of the cam prefix in either word. This phrase provides an explanation of how the buckle functions when it is being used. Webbing straps are used for both ratchet straps and cam straps, so in terms of the strap itself, there is no difference between the two types of straps. It can be deduced from this that there is no distinction between the two. The buckle is still the most important part of the belt, despite the fact that the type of material, the strength, and the displacement that are being evaluated all vary slightly. Ratchet tie down straps, on the other hand, are fundamentally nothing more than tie-downs that can be utilized to affix anything, including cargo, to vehicles such as trucks and trailers. This makes cam straps extremely versatile. You can use them to bind down tents, tarps, and other items that you would normally fasten using rope or bungee cords. They are extremely versatile and can be used for a wide variety of applications. They also have another application, which is that they can be used to construct a hammock.


The cam buckle is the primary component that differentiates a cam strap from a standard strap


  1. After doing so, the webbing strap is secured by a component of the hardware known as a cam buckle, which is initially threaded through the webbing strap

  2. A spring-loaded cam that applies pressure to the webbing in order to prevent it from sliding around keeps the strap in its proper position

  3. This keeps the strap from moving around

  4. The roller on a Rollercam cam buckle is positioned below the webbing strap, which is what sets it apart from other types of cam buckles

  5. This roller will almost completely get rid of the friction that is caused by movement when the strap is pulled tight

  6. Because the buckle is constructed in such a way, the strap does not dangle over a stationary plate but rather rolls through it

  7. This lessens the amount of friction, which enables you to pull the strap tighter with a noticeably reduced amount of the effort that would normally be required

Adjusting a Cam Strap so that it is in its Free PositionSimply applying pressure to the cam strap until the desired level of tension is reached is the simplest way to fine-tune its snugness and make it more or less restrictive. Putting an end to the relationship is just as simple. To release the cam on a cam buckle, you will need to press a small plate on the buckle in the majority of instances. When the tension on the rollers has been released by the lock plate, the strap can then be removed from its position. It is undemanding, and despite its speed, it actually speeds things up. Simply pressing a button makes releasing the tie-down straps or adding slack possible with Rollercam's ergonomic thumb release plate. This makes the process both simple and time-efficient.

Examples of Ratchet Straps That Are Similar to OthersAs an example, a ratchet strap is a kind of tiedown that is fastened with the assistance of a ratchet buckle. Ratchet buckles are also used in other types of tie down straps. Once the strap has been threaded through the ratchet, you will need to pull on the strap in order to eliminate the initial slack in the strap. After that, the ratchet is used to gradually bring the strap in closer and closer proximity to the user's body. The strap will be pulled in closer to your body to a more secure position the further you ratchet the buckle. It is physically impossible to control how tightly a strap is wrapped around your apparatus without exerting some effort, and as a result, doing so is absolutely necessary. A cam that has been loaded with spring tension is utilized by the ratchet strap in order to achieve the desired biting action and securing of the strap. The release is accomplished using the same mechanism as the capture. You can remove the strap by pressing a small plate, which will cause the cam to release and allow it to move freely.

Implementation of Cam Straps in the Appropriate MannerThe requirements for the working load often serve as the deciding factor in deciding whether to use a ratchet strap or a cam strap. It is possible for the driver of a flatbed trucker to use two or three ratchet straps that are designed to hold more weight in order to prevent the heavy load from shifting around on the trailer of the truck. Rollercam straps are the most advantageous choice to make in every other situation that may arise.

Cam straps are the best option for anyone who needs to secure their cargo, including people who enjoy being outdoors, people who participate in overlanding, and anyone else in this category. These work really well for securing coolers in the back of trucks, items to the top of your rig, and your supply of winter wood. They also work well for securing other items to the top of your rig. In point of fact, there are a lot of different possibilities.