In spite of this, we will continue to recommend that you choose the class and build that correspond the most closely to the way in which you prefer to play the game, and that you even try out some of the abilities that have had revised versions introduced in patch 2 in order to see which ones you like best. Before we get into the Top 4 Best Ladder Builds, let's take a moment to quickly go over the best builds for each of the classes in Diablo 2 Resurrected Ladder Season 3, as well as show at what stage those builds are at their peak effectiveness:


Let's take a moment to quickly go over the best builds for each of the classes in Diablo 2 Resurrected before we move on to discussing the top four best ladder builds.

  • Tapson, also known as the Lightning Sentry Assassin, is the name given to one of the characters in the game

  • In addition, as of patch 2

  • 6, the removal of death sentry as a synergy for lightning sentry has actually resulted in a pleasant unintended consequence for lightning sentry

  • This is because the removal of death sentry as a synergy for lightning sentry has actually resulted in an increase in its damage

  • It does not require a lot of gear to get started, which makes it a good option for players who are just getting into the game

  • Because of this, it is the ideal choice for assassins who are just starting out in the game

  • It has high mobility even before it gets teleport because of the assassin's burst of speed skill, and even though you shouldn't be taking too many hits with this build, you're still pretty tanky even if you do

  • This is because the assassin has high mobility even before it gets teleport



The Fissure Druid, also known as the Fire Druid, is a build that can be learned quickly but is challenging to perfect. Both names refer to the same character. It is very effective when it comes to getting rid of a large number of demons all at once, especially when combined with the ability known as Fissure.

This build is best utilized in environments like the secret cow level, the flare jungle, and the stone tomb, all of which feature a high number of foes that do not have immunity to fire. But once that fire druid is properly equipped, once you have a raven lore helm that lowers enemy fire resistance by 25 percent, a Phoenix D2R runeword shield that gives you another negative 28 to enemy fire resistance, and an infinity rumored on your mercenary that gives you the Palin conviction aura, which further reduces elemental resistances, then the fissure druid performs better than the wind druid in the majority of situations.

The berserk barbarian is widely considered to be the best possible variant of the barbarian class that the game has to offer, and there is no other build in the game that is better suited for elite hunting than the berserk barbarian. You can finally find items in dungeons by combining all of this information with the find item skill that is available to druids. This skill allows you to find items hidden throughout the dungeon. When the champion, unique, or super unique monsters you are hunting are surrounded by minions, the howl ability of the berserker causes them to just run away, clearing the area so that you can engage in a one-on-one battle with your target. Super unique monsters are even more difficult to hunt than unique monsters. Because the berserk ability already deals magical damage, the chances of running into an adversary who is able to withstand your assaults are extremely low. This is due to the fact that the ability itself deals damage of a magical nature.

The Berserk Barbarian is a solid pick for almost any farming run, but it really comes into its own when it's put to use in the pit. In addition to this, it is a fantastic instrument for farming Pindleskin and the recently enhanced Stony Tomb. The Smiter is a build that focuses on dealing damage to opposing players. He relies on the power of the ability smite, which deals a significant amount of damage to a single target with an attack that never misses, and he is enhanced by the fanaticism aura, which increases both damage and attack speed. This allows him to deal a significant amount of damage to a single target with an attack that never misses. It first stacks attack speed, which enables you to attack in a manner that is almost inconceivably quick, and then it stacks crushing blow, which enables you to deal enormous chunks of damage with each hit you land. When you combine that with the incredible sustain provided by Dracool's grasp gloves, which have a 5% chance to cast life tap, you get a skill that enables you to leech back 50 of the physical damage you deal as healing and gives you a chance to heal yourself for the same amount.

In other words, you get a skill that gives you the ability to heal yourself for the same amount as you heal others. If you're wondering why the Smiter is so low on this list, despite the fact that he has low-cost starting gear and excellent late-game options for gearing, it's because, aside from farming Ubers, he doesn't have much else to offer. If you're wondering why the Smiter is so low on this list, it's because he doesn't have much else to offer. If you're wondering why the Smiter is so far down on this list, the reason is that he doesn't have much else to offer other than what's already been mentioned. You are not going to make use of the build that you are going to use for farming in general with the build that you are going to use for Ubers number one; rather, you are going to make use of this build for Ubers number one.