Craps is a popular casino game that offers players a wide range of betting options. However, not all bets are created equal, and some bets offer better odds than others. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide to the best and worst craps bets.


Craps is a game that is played with two dice. The goal of the game is to predict the outcome of the roll of the dice. There are many different bets that can be placed in craps, and each bet has different odds. In order to be successful at craps, it is important to understand the odds of each bet.

Best bets in craps

The best bets in craps are those that offer the lowest house edge. These bets include:

  • Pass line bets (house edge of 1.41%)

  • Come bets (house edge of 1.41%)

  • Don’t pass line bets (house edge of 1.36%)

  • Don’t come bets (house edge of 1.36%)

  • Odds bets (no house edge)

Odds bets are the best bets in craps because they have no house edge and pay out true odds.

Worst bets in craps

The worst bets in craps are those that offer the highest house edge. These bets include:

  • Any 7 (house edge of 16.67%)

  • Any craps (house edge of 11.11%)

  • Hardways (house edge of up to 11.11%)

These bets have high house edges and should be avoided by players who want to maximize their chances of winning at craps.

The house edge and craps bets

The house edge is the advantage that the casino has over the player in a particular game. In craps, the house edge varies depending on the bet that is placed. The lower the house edge, the better the odds are for the player.

It is important for players to understand the house edge and how it affects their chances of winning at craps. By choosing bets that offer lower house edges, players can increase their chances of winning and minimize their losses.


In conclusion, understanding the best and worst craps odds bets is essential for any player who wants to be successful at the game of craps. By choosing bets that offer the lowest house edge, players can maximize their chances of winning and minimize their losses. Remember to always gamble responsibly and have fun!