
Bath balls, also known as bath bombs, are a popular trend in the bath and body industry, offering a relaxing and enjoyable addition to the traditional bath experience. These bath balls contain a blend of ingredients that create a fizzing effect in the water, releasing aromatherapy scents and skin-nourishing ingredients. In this article, we will explore how bath balls work, the benefits they offer, where to buy them, and how to make them yourself.

How Bath Balls Work

Bath balls work by containing a blend of baking soda, citric acid, and other ingredients that create a fizzing effect when exposed to water. As the bath ball dissolves, the ingredients are released into the water, creating a relaxing and enjoyable bath experience. Some bath balls also contain skin-nourishing ingredients, such as essential oils or carrier oils, which can help to moisturize and nourish the skin.

Benefits of Using Bath Balls

Using bath balls can provide a relaxing and enjoyable bath experience, which can help to promote relaxation and reduce stress. The added sensory stimulation of aromatherapy scents can also help to create a calming and soothing environment, which can be particularly beneficial for those with anxiety or stress-related issues.

In addition to their entertainment value, bath balls also contain many of the same skin-nourishing ingredients as traditional bath products, which can help to soothe and moisturize the skin.

Types of Bath Balls

Bath balls come in a variety of different scents and ingredients, including lavender, eucalyptus, and peppermint. Some retailers even offer customized options, allowing you to choose the scent and ingredients of the bath ball.

Where to Buy Bath Balls

Bath balls can be found at a variety of retailers, including online retailers, local bath and body stores, and independent sellers. When shopping for bath balls, it is important to choose high-quality products that contain natural ingredients and reliable fizzing agents.

DIY Bath Ball Recipes

Making your own bath balls can be a fun and creative activity, and allows you to customize the experience to your specific needs and preferences. Here is a simple recipe for making your own bath balls:

  • 1 cup baking soda

  • 1/2 cup citric acid

  • 1/2 cup Epsom salts

  • 1/2 cup cornstarch

  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil

  • 10-15 drops of essential oil

  • Food coloring (optional)

Mix all of the dry ingredients together in a bowl, then add the coconut oil and essential oil. Mix until the mixture holds together, then mold into balls. If desired, add a few drops of food coloring to each ball for added color. Let dry before using.


In conclusion, bath balls offer a relaxing and enjoyable twist on the traditional bath experience. With their potential for relaxation and stress relief, as well as the added sensory stimulation of aromatherapy scents, they make for a unique and entertaining addition to any bath routine. Whether you choose to buy them or make your own, bath balls are sure to provide a memorable and enjoyable bath experience.