
If you've ever shopped for olive oil, you've probably noticed that there are different types available, including extra virgin olive oil and regular olive oil. But what's the difference between the two? In this article, we'll take a closer look at the differences between extra virgin olive oil and regular olive oil.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Extra virgin olive oil is made from the first cold-pressing of the olives and has not been refined or treated with chemicals. This results in an oil that is rich in flavor and nutrients, including antioxidants and healthy fats. Extra virgin olive oil is also lower in acidity than regular olive oil, which gives it a smoother, more delicate flavor.

Regular Olive Oil

Regular olive oil, on the other hand, is a blend of cold-pressed and processed oils. It's made by blending extra virgin olive oil with lower-quality oils orby refining and treating lower-quality oils to remove impurities. Regular olive oil has a higher acidity level than extra virgin olive oil, which gives it a more neutral flavor and makes it better suited for cooking at high temperatures.

How to Choose

When choosing between extra virgin olive oil and regular olive oil, it really depends on your intended use. If you're looking for an oil to use as a finishing oil or for salad dressings, extra virgin olive oil is the way to go. It's rich in flavor and nutrients and will add depth to your dishes. However, if you're looking for an oil to use for cooking at high temperatures, regular olive oil is a better choice. Its higher smoke point makes it more stable at high temperatures, and its neutral flavor won't overpower your dishes.


In conclusion, the main difference between extra virgin olive oil and regular olive oil is their production process and the resulting flavor and acidity levels. While both types of oil have their benefits, it's important to choose the right one for your intended use. Whether you choose extra virgin olive oil for its rich flavor and nutrients or regular olive oil for its stability at high temperatures, incorporating olive oil into your diet is a healthy choice.