It's as if people, if they're not already, which I think they are will largely skim over anything out of the way and we'll just go to the dungeons. They are convenient to put on the Hello stockades rack , and so on WoTLK Gold .

In all honesty there is no way anyone will be running towards the entrance of the sunken temple ever again. Are they do you remember the distance you need to go to get into the place to get vanilla? There is certainly an argument for teleporting to dungeons or at least to the meeting stone on the outside of dungeons maybe with the possibility of a cooldown of TBC and brath content I believe the whole concept of travelling to Dungeons is totally fine.

Everything is in the area in which you're leveling currently to the extent that you can, when you want to play Hellfire the dungeons are just a few minutes away and you're leveling and hellfire thing to a zanger Marsh at an alkyne level of 60, which is low. doing a middle level 60s If you own RAF there's a 150% chance to fly speed mounts, which are affordable to purchase at level 60.

So not too many excuses on getting there yourself. It's not the case for RAF. The dungeons are in the zone that's appropriate for your level.

As for Lebo cap and endgame stuff. Flying mounts are another option aren't really enough to show that the queue system is better and more convenient, but I just don't think it's a big deal.Again, this is very bizarre and could be a glitch, but if it's not then get this deburred because it will be going away for a long time, possibly. Then, there's a super funny and insane bug that the community discovered in the event that you log into TBC and go to next logout and copy you character onto the PTR then log on the PTR your character will be spawned into Dragonblight and you'll be temporarily able to get this buff which says that you're where you should not be.

This is very funny but why I'm telling you about this is that If Blizzard doesn't fix this This will allow you to teleport directly from Ross towards Northrend. If you use this method after the expansion drops scaping, the requirement to travel through an afloat, simply log off nice and before the expansion launches, then log back in and you'll be transferred to Dragonblight cheap WoTLK Classic Gold .