After completing Invisalign treatment at Amma Naana Dental Clinic, post-treatment maintenance is crucial to preserve the results achieved and ensure long-term oral health. Here are essential steps to consider for effective post-treatment care: invisalign aligners cost in chennai

Retainer Usage

  • Retainer Recommendations: Orthodontists may advise wearing retainers post-treatment to maintain the achieved alignment.

  • Follow Usage Instructions: Adhering to the recommended retainer usage schedule is vital to prevent teeth from shifting back.

Oral Hygiene

  • Regular Brushing and Flossing: Continue practicing good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing teeth regularly to prevent decay and gum disease.

  • Aligner Care: If using retainers or aligners, maintain their cleanliness by gently brushing and rinsing them daily.

Dental Check-ups

  • Scheduled Dental Visits: Attend regular dental check-ups as recommended by your dentist or orthodontist for oral health assessments.

  • Post-Treatment Follow-ups: Follow-up appointments at Amma Naana Dental Clinic help monitor teeth stability and ensure treatment success. invisalign aligners cost

Lifestyle Adjustments

  • Dietary Habits: Maintain a balanced diet and be mindful of foods that may potentially affect oral health or aligners/retainers.

  • Smoking and Oral Health: Avoid smoking or excessive consumption of staining substances to preserve oral health and aligner/retainer appearance.

Monitoring Changes

  • Tooth Sensitivity: Monitor any tooth sensitivity or discomfort and promptly address it by consulting your orthodontist.

  • Alignment Changes: Notify your orthodontist if you notice any unexpected changes in tooth alignment or bite post-treatment.


Consistent post-treatment maintenance, including retainer usage, oral hygiene practices, regular dental check-ups, and lifestyle adjustments, is essential to sustain the benefits of Invisalign treatment. At Amma Naana Dental Clinic, we emphasize the significance of post-treatment care to ensure enduring results and optimal oral health.

For guidance on post-treatment maintenance or any concerns following Invisalign treatment, contact us at Amma Naana Dental Clinic. invisalign treatment cost in chennai