Interestingly, the Catamount Cradle bundle is exclusive to the Sorcerer class, leaving players who chose different classes out of luck when it comes to cat-related content. While it may be argued that cats and magic often go hand in hand, it seems unnecessary to restrict this content to a specific class.

One possible explanation for Blizzard reluctance to allow players to pet cats could be related to the vampiric theme in Diablo 4 Season 2. In various cultures, cats have been associated with the dead or the underworld, and vampires have traditionally been wary of them. However, the cat in the emote only displays affection, making this reasoning somewhat of a stretch POE currency trade .

In conclusion, while Diablo 4 Season 2 has made some strides in including cats in the game, players are still unable to pet them. The community hopes that Blizzard will take their feedback into consideration and allow for more meaningful interactions with feline companions in the future.

Sources:– Diablo 4 Reddit page– Diablo 4 Season of Blood– Diablo 4 Vampiric Powers

Note: URLs for the sources have been omitted.

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