Today, I'm going to discuss my experience following the first few moments of WoW Classic SoD Gold using. I haven't done an article like this in the past few months where I kind of talk about some gameplay footage and discuss my experience thus far in the beta, or just in general gameplay. If you liked this video, let me know by leaving a like below, and then hitting the sub button if you'd like have more content similar to this and let's dive into the details.

It's ok, I'll start by completing the dragon island and see what the opening quest was to me. I've already completed it three times since the first time , and those subsequent times were also pretty rewarding. The opening quest is actually very fast-paced. You'll be in Oregon or in the storm wind type of going around recruiting or getting to know about the dragon islands and getting your place set up extremely early. I've discovered that this is the perfect opportunity to showcase your abilities. Though.

After the pre patch has been released for live servers this is the moment you'll have access to that talent tree. So it might not be so significant when Dragon flight is actually released. But on beta like you kind of have to wait for the zeppelin or the boat to arrive whether you're Alliance or horde. And when this is the scenario, you just have to like fiddle your fingers. Ich swear God I I'm not going to have the video of it.

But I seriously felt like I waited for 10 minutes for the braless boat to arrive and take me to the drag channels where you can feel the Horde just likes to kind of walk-on discipline, and you go off so quarter likely to be a little faster due to this. But once you get to the area, it is so incredible. No matter if you're on the zipline or on the boat, based on the side you're with, you're gonna get this stunning wide view of the opening towards the dragon islands, and it looks really crisp and clean.

Dragons are the mainstays in this area. If you've watched Alpha content or any of the other Beta content chances are you've seen a few images, but boy this place feel good. The overall layout especially in terms of artwork, and layout feels very much like cataclysm, warlords Z kind of had a love-child and this is Dragon flight. And it's just like it's great fun to begin and begin killing dragons quickly.

That's why you can kill dragons to earn exp farm, a classic staple of the MMO game. I'm personally not the kind of person who likes to quest. If you've seen me on stream up to now I'm just a bit lazy and strive to finish the quest as fast as possible. Six times out of six loops for the sake of whatever it could be, I'll just sort of get through it. However, I will say that the quests feel great in general appearance. It's your usual kill Lutz Talk to Cheap WoW Classic SoD Gold this person guide quests.