Kent, UK - In an era where branding moves as fast as the wheels on the road, RGVA Ltd, a pioneering Vehicle Graphics company based in Kent, is revolutionizing the way businesses market themselves through innovative vehicle graphics and wrapping services. With a commitment to quality, innovation, and environmental sustainability, RGVA Ltd offers a dynamic solution for businesses aiming to make a lasting impression.

About RGVA Ltd

Founded in 2001, RGVA Ltd has carved a niche in the vehicle graphics industry, backed by a rich history of innovation and excellence. From a humble beginning in a garage, RGVA's journey to becoming a 3M Select Gold partner reflects its ambition and dedication. Under the leadership of Kieran McCabe and Richard Cox, RGVA continues to expand its services across the UK, catering to both small businesses and large fleets with unparalleled zeal and craftsmanship​​.

The Power of Vehicle Graphics and Wrapping

Vehicle graphics are more than just a branding tool; they're a mobile billboard that communicates your brand's message in a vibrant and engaging manner. RGVA Ltd leverages the latest technology and creative designs to deliver vehicle graphics that are not just eye-catching but durable and cost-effective. From full vehicle wraps that protect and preserve your vehicle's paintwork to custom graphics that reflect your brand's identity, RGVA ensures that your business gets noticed on the go​​.

RGVA's Services and Expertise

At RGVA, the possibilities are limitless. Whether you're looking to brand an entire fleet or a single vehicle, RGVA's team of experts is equipped to bring your vision to life. Using high-quality materials and cutting-edge techniques, RGVA offers a range of services including fleet graphics, color change wraps, and bespoke Vehicle Wrapping solutions that stand the test of time and the rigors of the road .

Commitment to Sustainability

In a bold step towards a greener future, RGVA has partnered with CarbonQuota to significantly reduce its environmental impact. This collaboration not only highlights RGVA's dedication to sustainable practices but also sets a new standard in the industry for environmental responsibility. By assessing and acting on its carbon footprint, RGVA is leading the charge towards a more sustainable business model that clients and the community can be proud of​​.

Customer Success Stories

RGVA's commitment to excellence is echoed in the glowing testimonials from satisfied customers. From national corporations to local businesses, RGVA has consistently delivered high-quality wraps that not only meet but exceed client expectations. These success stories underscore RGVA's ability to provide not just a service, but a partnership that drives brand visibility and success .

Why Choose RGVA?

Choosing RGVA Ltd for your vehicle graphics needs means opting for a partner that values quality, innovation, and sustainability. With a proven track record, a commitment to customer satisfaction, and a forward-thinking approach to environmental responsibility, RGVA stands out as a leader in the vehicle graphics industry.


In a world where first impressions are crucial, RGVA Ltd offers a creative, durable, and sustainable solution for businesses to showcase their brand on the move. With a team of dedicated professionals and a commitment to excellence, RGVA Ltd is your go-to partner for all your vehicle graphics and wrapping needs.

Contact Information

For inquiries, consultations, or to learn more about RGVA Ltd's services, please contact:


Unit 4 Spectrum Business Estate, Bircholt Road, Parkwood, Maidstone, Kent ME15 9YP

01622 673 797
