In the meticulous world of manufacturing, achieving and verifying part cleanliness is paramount. Here at Ecoclean India, we understand the critical role cleanliness plays in ensuring product quality and functionality. Today, we'll delve into the Millipore Test, a valuable tool for assessing the level of cleanliness on a surface.

What is the Millipore Test?

The Millipore Test, also known as gravimetric analysis, is a method used to quantify the amount and size of solid contaminants present on a surface. It takes its name from Millipore Corporation, a leading manufacturer of the membrane filters used in the test.

How Does the Millipore Test Work?

The Millipore Test follows a straightforward process:

  1. Sample Collection: A liquid sample is collected from the surface of the part being tested. This can involve rinsing, brushing, or flushing the part with a solvent to remove any contaminants.
  2. Filtration: The collected liquid is then forced through a special membrane filter with precisely sized pores. Particles larger than the pores are trapped on the filter, while the clean liquid passes through.
  3. Drying and Weighing: The filter membrane with trapped contaminants is meticulously dried to remove any residual moisture. Once completely dry, the filter is weighed with high precision using an analytical balance.
  4. Analysis: The weight increase of the filter compared to its original weight represents the total mass of contaminants captured. Additionally, the filter can be analyzed under a microscope to determine the size and nature of the particles trapped.

Benefits of the Millipore Test

The Millipore Test offers several advantages for manufacturers:

  • Quantifiable Results: Provides a measurable value for cleanliness, allowing for objective comparisons and adherence to specific cleanliness standards.
  • Identifies Particle Size: Helps assess the size and type of contaminants present, aiding in determining the source of contamination and selecting appropriate cleaning methods.
  • Relatively Simple: The test itself is a straightforward process that can be conducted in a laboratory setting.
  • Wide Applications: Applicable to various industries, including automotive, aerospace, medical devices, and electronics.

Limitations of the Millipore Test

It's important to consider the limitations of the Millipore Test when interpreting the results:

  • Limited to Extractable Particles: The test can only detect particles that can be extracted from the surface using the chosen solvent. Deeply embedded or non-extractable contaminants may be missed.
  • Destructive Testing: The test typically destroys the filter membrane, making it unsuitable for re-using the part being tested.
  • May Not Identify All Contaminants: Certain types of contaminants, such as very fine particles or soluble materials, may not be captured by the filter.

The Millipore Test and Ecoclean India

While the Millipore Test itself is not a cleaning process, it plays a vital role in ensuring the effectiveness of your cleaning methods. At Ecoclean India, we can help you achieve optimal cleanliness levels for your parts through:

  • High-Performance Cleaning Solutions: We offer a variety of cleaning solutions, including ultrasonic cleaning machines and aqueous cleaning systems, to remove contaminants effectively.
  • Process Optimization: Our team can assist you in optimizing your cleaning processes to meet your specific cleanliness requirements and pass the Millipore Test with flying colors.
  • Partnering for Success: We believe in collaborating with our customers to achieve their cleaning goals and ensure their products meet the highest quality standards.


The Millipore Test is a valuable tool for manufacturers to verify the cleanliness of their parts. By understanding its applications and limitations, you can leverage this test alongside effective cleaning solutions from Ecoclean India to achieve superior cleanliness and ensure the quality and functionality of your products.

Ready to take your part cleanliness to the next level? Contact Ecoclean India today!