Considering the substantial exaggeration regarding the sequel's scale and complexity, it's apparent that the development phase might outlast those of the previous expansions. This suggests that fans might have to show a little more patience for POE currency trade the grand unveiling of Path of Exile 2. However, the developers promise to keep the thrill alive by continually rolling out updates and expansions for the original game, ensuring the players remain hooked and anticipation stays high.

Beta Prediction: Will There Be a Beta Test for Path of Exile 2?

Grinding Gear Games has a rich past of utilizing beta tests for their game launches, counting the original Path of Exile and subsequent add-ons. These beta tests have proven to be critical in perfecting the gameplay, ironing out the mechanics, and rectifying any potential issues or glitches.

Even though Grinding Gear Games intends to announce a beta test for Path of Exile 2 on July 29, 2023, it would be a huge surprise if they opted not to have one. The developers' dedication to delivering an exceptional gaming experience for their players is evident, and a beta test would offer them an unmatched opportunity to gather priceless feedback and confirm that the game lives up to the high standards set by their loyal fan community.

Poe2 Gameplay Changes: How Will the Sequel Differ from the Original Game?

Path of Exile 2 is set to usher in an array of gameplay alterations that will make it distinct from its predecessor. One of the most thrilling changes to note is the launch of an entirely fresh campaign.

This mint campaign will unveil uncharted territories, adversaries, and quests, infusing the gameplay with buy POE currency new adventures and discoveries for players. Moreover, players will be presented with the intriguing choice of two separate starting points for their characters, each boasting its own exclusive storyline and gameplay journey.