Alberich's Set actually has one of Elden Ring Runes the extremely few chess pieces where the altered version, actually fits with more outfits, it's a simple traveler's coat with a golden trim and with the amount of gold colored outfits in this game, it's not hard at all to find other boots and gloves to match this with, the blood crystals on the shoulders match really well with the blood crystals of the glove portions, but that they're literally designed to, so that's not unexpected or anything, when you take off the cape, however, it suddenly becomes extremely versatile.

Battlemage Set

It gives a well-deserved home to the Albert gloves, parts of Azur’s and Lusat’s sets, The Shining headband is probably one of the favorites that mesh with this set, the wealth of colors and different designs make it compatible with any hood.

Because it looks so damn fashionable and Chic and smooth and the thick duvet, he's got tied to the back of his neck looks super comfortable, it has such a weirdly unique and burnished texture about it that makes it incredibly awkward to try and fit it in with anything else, the helmet can sort of be wedged into other outfits and heavy armors and whatnot, but it rarely ever feels like the helmet consented to best site to buy elden ring items be there, it's great as a set, but it has absolutely no flexibility with any other set which gives us this really ambivalent feeling.