Any company looking to operate in Dubai must first obtain a trade license. A company that wants to conduct business within the Emirate can do so with the official endorsement of the Department of Economic Development (DED) provided by the trade license. The different kinds of trade licenses, the application procedure, the necessary paperwork, and other pertinent details are described in this guide to help you obtain a trade license in Dubai.

Types of Trade license available?

A commercial license is given to companies that transact in goods, such as buying and selling. This covers general trading, wholesale, and retail.

Professional licenses are given to people and businesses that provide professional services. Consultancy, legal services, and education are a few examples.

Businesses engaged in manufacturing or other industrial operations, such as production and processing, must have an industrial license.

A license to operate in the travel and tourism industry is required for companies that provide hospitality services, tour operators, and travel agencies.

How to Apply for a Trade License in Dubai

Choose a Business Activity: Identify the type of business you are running and choose the right kind of trade license.

Choose a Name for Your Business: Select a name that conforms with the DED's naming guidelines.

Select a Legal Structure: Choose whether your company will be a limited liability company (LLC), partnership, or sole proprietorship.

Apply for Initial Approval: Send the DED an application for initial approval together with a synopsis of your planned name and business operations.

Get the documentation ready: Collect the necessary paperwork, such as copies of your passport and visa, the Memorandum of Association (MOA), and any necessary NOCs from sponsors.

Establish a Business Address: Obtain a tenancy agreement and have the Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA) attest to it for your business space.

Send in the application: Send the completed application to the DED with all necessary supporting documentation.

Pay Fees: Ensure that you pay the required license and registration fees.

Obtain Your License: Your trade license will be issued to you upon approval of your application and payment of the necessary fees.

Extra Things to Think About Trade license in Dubai

Renewal: Dubai requires the yearly renewal of trade licenses. The process of renewing is simple, but it does involve paying fees and submitting the required paperwork on time.

Businesses have the option of operating on the mainland or in one of Dubai's numerous free zones. Every one has its own rules, advantages, and restrictions. Free zones provide advantages like tax exemptions and 100% foreign ownership, but mainland companies have easier access to the local market.

Rules and Compliance: Companies are required to keep accurate records and adhere to local regulations. Fines or the trade license being revoked may follow noncompliance. 

Why you choose Flying Colour business setup?

One of the most important steps in start a company in Dubai is obtaining a trade license. You can easily navigate the legal requirements and lay a solid foundation for your business operations with Flying Colour Business Setup. Get in touch with us right now to begin your path to a prosperous Dubai business setup.

Go to Flying Colour Business Setup, our website, for additional information.