They draenei have tall bodies, pale-skinned humanoids with hooves for feet as well as legs with haunches and look like the satyrs from Greek mythology. Once you've created a new character of WoW cataclysm Gold any race and you'll get to experience the same type of narration in-game movie that introduces the doors to the future of any of the other WoW Cataclysm Classic character. The narration states that Draenei come in the Outlands (the extremely difficult, mystical new region that was added to this expansion pack) However, influenced by stories of the heroes of the alliance, they've arrived in Azeroth to seek help in their battle to defeat The Burning Legion.

The spaceship of the draenei, the Exodar blasts into the sky over Northern Kalimdor (the realm of the night Elves) and the fragments land in the previously unexplored Azuremyst Isle, off the west coast of the Eastern Kingdoms. Ship parts as well as the remains of several escape pods are scattered across the island together with the irradiated crystals which (presumably) power the ship but now cause havoc on the local ecosystem and wildlife. The biggest piece of the ship sank at the western end of Azuremyst Isle, forming the majority subterranean city of draenei that still bears the name of the ship, The Exodar.

The Exodar is most likely the biggest city in Azeroth and, even as a Tauren-sized draenei the size of it could be overwhelming the very first time you go. The city is home to all the typical districts, as well with two auction houses and two banks. These should help cut down on the lag of these locations in the event that the city becomes the most popular spot for players to gather. The Exodar is an area that feels like something that is a mix of the Dwarves' Ironforge and the WoW Cataclysm Classic's Undercity. It is contained in one massive construction (the the ship's main hull) and features a number of  buy WoW Cataclysm Classic Gold open areas that feel somewhat unsettling at this time, but it's likely to appear quite different when filled by players.

The noble draenei once resided in a spacecraft powered by crystals. No, seriously.

In one region within the town there's the crystal mine. It coincides nicely to one of their passive capabilities (and the new profession that will be introduced in this expansion, the Burning Crusade expansion), jewelcrafting. The draenei get an racial advantage of +5 to jewelcrafting as well as a 10 percent resistance to spells that are based on shadows, such as the ones used by priests. Additionally to that, the race is blessed with two other powers "gift of Naruu," a free healing spell that does not require any magic energy ("mana") as well as "inspiring presence" an inactive ability that gives a one percent bonus for hitting those who are within 30 feet.

Because the accident was recent, there are several injured and unaccounted-for draenei. The first quests may seem unsurprisingly, but they require you to kill the smallest of beasts (including moths with stunning designs--a brand-new beast model, not only an updated skin, like the majority of the new creatures) as well as locating objects from them which can be used to aid those who are injured. The draenei utilize crystals for a variety of reasons, it seems that in the beginning of a few quests, you'll use crystals to  WoW cataclysm Gold heal survivors are scattered throughout areas around the Ammen Vale starting area, and also to cleanse the lake which has an spacecraft's massive radiation-treated crystals contaminating the water.