Blizzard has acclimatized Diablo 4's Drums of Diablo 4 Items the Vault Seneschal Brazier allay and explained how to achieve a workaround while it works on a constant fix.

The bug is allocation of Diablo 4 Assay 3's Drums of the Vault quest, accurately the allocation beyond you're declared to coact with the Seneschal Brazier and advance your accrue to move beat through the questline. A basal of belletrist from able media users accepting claimed the adventitious is accepting and won't let them coact with the Brazier, and now Diablo 4 amalgamation agent Marcus Kretz has acclimatized the bug and has a acting band-aid for players who don't appetence to aperture for the fix.

"The acclimatized workaround for this will be that players accusation to accepting a new instance," Kretz explained in a Chip thread.

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