Since their introduction, rubber-tired gantry cranes, or RTGs, have completely changed the way containers are handled in ports and terminals. Since they are adaptable, efficient, and versatile, RTGs have become essential to contemporary cargo operations. Because of their rubber tires, these cranes can move quickly and easily without requiring fixed rails. In busy port environments, their ability to precisely lift and place containers in confined spaces makes them invaluable. With lifting capacity that typically range from 40 to 100 tons, RTGs are able to meet a wide range of cargo demands.

Furthermore, technological developments have made it possible to combine automation with electrification, which improves operational effectiveness and lowers emissions. RTGs were first presented as a substitute for conventional rail-mounted gantry cranes, but their mobility, flexibility in accommodating different layouts, and less expensive infrastructure quickly made them well-liked.

The market saw a sharp increase in demand for RTGs because of their capacity to effectively manage growing container traffic. Their place as a pillar of contemporary port logistics was cemented by their contribution to expediting cargo processing, maximizing space usage, and reducing operational downtime. The RTG market expects continued expansion, innovation, and integration of sustainable technologies as the need for effective container handling systems grows on a global scale, indicating a dynamic future for this essential part of maritime trade.




Report Attribute


Estimated Market Value (2023)

1.36 Bn

Projected Market Value (2032)

2.40 Bn

Base Year


Forecast Years

2024 - 2032

Scope of the Report

Historical and Forecast Trends, Industry Drivers and Constraints, Historical and Forecast Market Analysis by Segment- By Type, By Power Supply, & Region

Segments Covered

By Type, By Power Supply, & Region

Forecast Units

Value (USD Billion or Million), and Volume (Units)

Quantitative Units

Revenue in USD million/billion and CAGR from 2024 to 2032

Regions Covered

North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa, and the Rest of World

Countries Covered

U.S., Canada, Mexico, U.K., Germany, France, Italy, Spain, China, India, Japan, South Korea, Brazil, Argentina, GCC Countries, and South Africa, among others

Report Coverage

Market growth drivers, restraints, opportunities, Porter’s five forces analysis, PEST analysis, value chain analysis, regulatory landscape, market attractiveness analysis by segments and region, company market share analysis, and COVID-19 impact analysis.

Delivery Format

Delivered as an attached PDF and Excel through email, according to the purchase option.


Global Rubber Tired Gantry Crane Market Dynamics

Innovation in RTGs is fueled by changing consumer demands and the desire for efficiency; this results in improved load capabilities, automation integration, and electrification. Electric-powered RTGs are a result of the need for environmentally friendly technologies, which lessen environmental effect while still fulfilling operating needs. The optimization of productivity and safety through automation and remote operation is reflected in the market dynamics. Crane performance is improved by the integration of sensors, data analytics, and artificial intelligence, which makes predictive maintenance possible and raises total efficiency. Furthermore, the need for RTGs is growing because to the increased need for container traffic in international trade, particularly in the expansion and modernization of ports and terminals across the globe. Market dynamics are also impacted by geopolitical forces, legislative changes, and economic variables. Trade regulations, infrastructure spending, and economic swings all have a big impact on the demand for and growth trajectory of RTGs in emerging nations. Manufacturers' strategy and product development within the RTG industry are increasingly influenced by regulatory activities that promote sustainability standards and emission reductions. These complex dynamics continuously reshape the environment, spurring innovation and determining the worldwide future of the RTG industry.


Global Rubber Tired Gantry Crane Market Drivers

  • Ongoing Innovations in RTG Design

At the vanguard of this transition are technological advancements, particularly in the areas of automation and electrification. Increased operational precision through automation integration makes it possible for RTGs to carry out activities more precisely and effectively. This comprises functions that maximize motions and reduce downtime, such as intelligent control systems and automated container placement. Furthermore, one important trend influencing RTG design is the move towards electrification. RTGs that run on electricity either completely electric or hybrid models meet the growing demand for sustainable solutions while cutting emissions and operating expenses. These developments address issues related to the environment while simultaneously increasing overall operational effectiveness and lowering maintenance needs. Moreover, continuous advances include advancements in safety features, structural design, and materials. Increased lifting capacities are made possible by stronger yet lighter materials that maintain structural integrity. Enhanced safety systems reduce risks and improve worker safety. Examples of these systems include sensors, real-time monitoring, and collision avoidance technologies. These continuous advancements push the market toward more effective, environmentally friendly, and technologically sophisticated solutions while also addressing industrial concerns and enhancing the performance and capacities of RTGs.

  • Increasing Emphasis on Environmental Sustainability

Concerns over climate change and its effects on the environment are growing, and as a result, industries all over the world are moving toward more environmentally friendly methods. As a result, there has been a revolutionary drive for sustainable solutions in the RTG market. The creation and use of electric-powered RTGs as well as the incorporation of cutting-edge technology to reduce environmental impact are the main foci of this emphasis. Since electric RTGs run on cleaner energy sources and do not produce the pollution associated with diesel-powered ones, they greatly reduce emissions. In addition, the emphasis on sustainability has sparked advancements in energy consumption and storage with the goal of maximising electricity and boosting efficiency. Energy-efficient system design is becoming a top priority for manufacturers, who are using hybrid models or advances in battery technology to minimize environmental impact without sacrificing operational efficiency. The adoption of eco-friendly RTGs is further encouraged by initiatives that support sustainability standards in international trade, opening the door for a more ecologically conscious and greener future for the cargo handling sector.



  • High Initial Investment

Purchasing RTGs entails significant up-front expenditures, which include the crane itself as well as the costs of installation and related infrastructure. This upfront cost is frequently a significant barrier, particularly for smaller or more financially limited facilities. Budgets and capital allocations can be strained by the expense of acquiring RTGs, which can limit or postpone ports' and terminals' ability to modernize or increase their handling capacity. Furthermore, the initial investment burden is increased by the total cost of ownership, which includes upkeep, operating costs, and possible retrofitting for future technological developments. Due to budgetary constraints, certain ports or terminals may decide against using RTGs in favor of alternatives or postpone modernization projects. RTGs provide long-term operating and efficiency benefits, but the upfront cost is still a major factor for stakeholders, influencing the rate and scope of RTG adoption in the cargo handling sector.

  • Regulatory Compliance Challenges

Manufacturers and operators face major challenges due to the ever-changing and strict restrictions enforced by governing authorities, namely with regards to environmental requirements, safety precautions, and emission constraints. Achieving these compliance criteria frequently calls for significant redesigns, technological advancements, and adherence to particular operating guidelines all of which require significant investments in R&D and execution. The dynamic character of these rules adds to the complexity, necessitating ongoing RTG design adaptation and modification to maintain compliance. This can result in higher costs and possible delays in product development or deployment. Complicating matters further are regional or national regulatory variations, which force businesses to deal with different standards and certification procedures and may prevent them from accessing international markets. The rate of RTG innovation and acceptance is impacted by the delicate problem of integrating cutting-edge technologies while maintaining compliance with strict standards. Aligning RTG designs with these standards is an ongoing difficulty in the industry that affects manufacturers' agility and competitiveness in addressing market demands as laws continue to change.



  • Upgrading Existing Infrastructure

Crane systems at ports and terminals are frequently antiquated and in need of updating. For manufacturers and other stakeholders, the retrofitting or replacement of these outdated systems with more sophisticated RTGs presents an enticing opportunity. Modern technology like automation, electrification, and sophisticated control systems can be integrated with outdated infrastructure to improve operating efficiency and safety. This is a chance that goes beyond just purchasing crane gear; it also entails putting in place all-encompassing solutions that maximize the cargo handling ecosystem as a whole. Stakeholders can future-proof businesses by updating outdated systems to better reflect changing industry norms and technology breakthroughs. Additionally, modernizing current infrastructure decreases the need for major new development, which lowers the expenses and inconvenience involved in constructing brand-new facilities.  Working together with ports and terminals to update existing infrastructure promotes long-term relationships and client loyalty in addition to reviving operational capabilities. This is a chance to put RTG producers at the forefront of innovation by providing customized solutions that meet the unique requirements of ports and terminals and push the sector toward greater productivity and competitiveness.

  • Integration of IoT and Data Analytics

Real-time operational data can be collected and processed in large quantities by integrating IoT sensors and data analytics into RTG systems. Stakeholders can increase overall operating efficiency, improve predictive maintenance, and maximize crane performance with this opportunity. Numerous data points, such as equipment health, usage patterns, environmental conditions, and safety parameters, can be collected via IoT sensors integrated into RTGs. This data can be used to derive meaningful insights by utilizing advanced machine learning algorithms and data analytics tools. These insights enable operators to plan ahead for any maintenance requirements, make well-informed decisions, and maximize safety and efficiency in crane operations. Additionally, remote monitoring and control are made possible by the combination of IoT and data analytics, allowing for real-time modifications and interventions to maximize performance and minimize downtime. This opportunity puts the cargo handling industry at the forefront of technical innovation and operational efficiency, while also improving RTG performance and fostering a more intelligent, responsive, and data-driven approach.


Segment Overview

By Type

Based on type, the global rubber tired gantry crane market is divided into 8 wheel, 16 wheel. The 16 wheel category dominates the market with the largest revenue share in 2023. The eight pairs of wheels on the 16-wheel RTG are two wheels each. This arrangement offers a wider wheelbase, improving load distribution and stability. It is possible to handle heavier containers because of the extra wheels and wider base, which increase the load-bearing capacity. The enhanced lifting capability and stability of 16-wheel RTGs make them ideal for terminals handling bigger loads or with higher throughput needs. An eight-wheel RTG can move and travel along its assigned course inside the port or terminal because it usually has four sets of wheels, two wheels each set. These cranes can move more effectively in small areas because of their shorter wheelbases. They provide flexibility in handling containers and guarantee sufficient stability and lifting power for standard port operations.

By Power Supply

Based on the power supply, the global rubber tired gantry crane market is categorized into diesel, electric, hybrid. The diesel category leads the global rubber tired gantry crane market with the largest revenue share in 2023. Traditionally, these RTGs have been propelled by diesel engines, which produce the energy needed for crane operations through the combustion of fuel. Diesel RTGs are independent of external power sources and provide mobility and operational flexibility.

However, because diesel engines require more fuel and require more frequent maintenance, they produce pollutants and have greater operating expenses. Electric RTGs run primarily on energy, which is obtained either from onboard battery systems or via a direct link to the grid. Since there are no emissions at the moment of usage, they are more environmentally friendly. Because they require less fuel, electric RTGs are quieter, more environmentally friendly, and have lower running expenses. They can only be used in places with dependable and easily available electrical infrastructure, though.

Electric and diesel power sources are combined in hybrid RTGs, which frequently incorporate battery systems or other energy storage technologies with diesel generators. The purpose of this hybridization is to maximize efficiency by using electric power when there is little or no demand, thereby lowering emissions and fuel consumption. The benefits of both diesel and electric models are combined in hybrid RTGs, which balance improved environmental outcomes with more operating flexibility.

Global Rubber Tired Gantry Crane Market Overview by Region

The global rubber tired gantry crane market is categorized into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and the Rest of the World. Asia-Pacific emerged as the leading region, capturing the largest market share in 2023. Trade has increased dramatically in the Asia-Pacific region as a result of the region's strong economic expansion and quick modernization, especially in maritime transport. Because of this growing volume of trade, ports and terminals now need a lot more effective cargo handling equipment, especially in Southeast Asian and China countries, Japan, and South Korea.

The tremendous progress and growth of port infrastructure throughout the region has been achieved. Ports in nations like China, Singapore, and Malaysia have experienced substantial modernization initiatives, necessitating the use of sophisticated, large-capacity RTG cranes in order to effectively manage growing cargo throughput. The area's vital location as a hub for international trade between the East and West further increases the need for effective container handling equipment. Because Asia-Pacific ports are essential hubs for global supply networks, there is a growing need for RTGs with cutting-edge technology to facilitate smooth cargo operations. The region has also adopted new RTG technologies at a faster rate thanks to government initiatives and investments in logistics network enhancement, environmental standards compliance, and port efficiency improvement. Due to its economic vitality, growing infrastructure, advantageous placement along major global trade routes, and coordinated efforts to operate ports sustainably and efficiently, Asia-Pacific is now the market leader for rubber-tired gantry cranes.



Global Rubber Tired Gantry Crane Market Competitive Landscape

In the global rubber tired gantry crane market, a few major players exert significant market dominance and have established a strong regional presence. These leading companies remain committed to continuous research and development endeavors and actively engage in strategic growth initiatives, including product development, launches, joint ventures, and partnerships. By pursuing these strategies, these companies aim to strengthen their market position, expand their customer base, and capture a substantial share of the market.

Some of the prominent players in the global rubber tired gantry crane market include,

  • Reva Industries Limited;
  • SANY Group
  • Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.
  • TNT Crane & Rigging
  • Anupam Industries Limited
  • Cargotec; Konecranes
  • Liebherr-International Deutschland GmbH
  • Mi-Jack, and various others.

Global Rubber Tired Gantry Crane Market Recent Developments

  • In June 2023, Travelift RTG cranes with semi-autonomous operation, Mi-Jack's most recent invention in concrete and steel handling applications, was unveiled. This innovative technology makes it possible for several machines to operate without an operator.
  • In March 2023, For the Phase III terminal expansion, PSA Sines has placed an order with Konecranes for six automated rubber-tired gantry cranes. At PSA Sines, the fully automated cranes will boost productivity, performance predictability, and safety while also assisting with the terminal's growth objectives.
  • In January 2023, Kuenz, an Austrian crane manufacturer, won a major contract to deliver 20 sideloaded stacking automated cranes for Baltic Hub's new T3 terminal, which is presently under construction, in partnership with systems integrator ABB. A strategically significant terminal in the Baltic Sea, Baltic Hub is home to the well-known worldwide port organization PSA. It is expanding quickly.

Scope of the Global Rubber Tired Gantry Crane Market Report

Rubber Tired Gantry Crane Market Report Segmentation



By Type

  • 8 Wheel
  • 16 Wheel

By Power Supply

  • Diesel
  • Electric
  • Hybrid


By Geography

  • North America (USA, and Canada)
  • Europe (UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Russia and Rest of Europe)
  • Asia Pacific (Japan, China, India, Australia, Southeast Asia and Rest of Asia Pacific)
  • Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, and Rest of Latin America)
  • Middle East & Africa (South Africa, GCC, and Rest of Middle East & Africa)

Customization Scope

  • Available upon request


  • Available upon request


Objectives of the Study

The objectives of the study are summarized in 5 stages. They are as mentioned below:

  • Global Rubber Tired Gantry Crane Market Size and Forecast: To identify and estimate the market size for the global rubber tired gantry crane market segmented by type, by power supply, region and by value (in U.S. dollars). Also, to understand the consumption/ demand created by consumers of rubber tired gantry crane between 2019 and 2032.
  • Market Landscape and Trends: To identify and infer the drivers, restraints, opportunities, and challenges for the global rubber tired gantry crane market
  • Market Influencing Factors: To find out the factors which are affecting the sales of rubber tired gantry crane among consumers
  • Impact of COVID-19: To identify and understand the various factors involved in the global rubber tired gantry crane market affected by the pandemic
  • Company Profiling:  To provide a detailed insight into the major companies operating in the market. The profiling will include the financial health of the company's past 2-3 years with segmental and regional revenue breakup, product offering, recent developments, SWOT analysis, and key strategies.

Intended Audience

  • Crane Manufacturers
  • Logistics and Port Authorities
  • Construction and Industrial Companies
  • Government Bodies and Regulatory Authorities
  • Governments, Associations, and Industrial Bodies
  • Investors and Trade Experts