Tattoo Removal Regulations in Top European Countries (2024)

Tattoo removal regulations in Europe vary by country. While the EU provides some general guidelines, individual countries have the power to implement stricter rules. Here's a breakdown for a few top European countries (information accurate as of 2024):

1. Germany:

  • EU Regulations Apply: Germany adheres to the EU Cosmetics Regulation and Restriction of Hazardous Substances (Reach) regulations.
  • Focus on Medical Professionals: Tattoo removal in Germany is primarily performed by dermatologists or doctors specializing in laser treatments.
  • Licensing: A specific medical license for laser procedures, including tattoo removal, is mandatory.

2. France:

  • EU Regulations Apply: Similar to Germany, France follows the EU framework.
  • Medical Supervision: Tattoo removal must be performed under the supervision of a qualified doctor.
  • Specific Training: Tattoo removal practitioners, even under doctor supervision, might require additional laser training.
  • National Agency Oversight: The French National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products (ANSM) oversees tattoo removal practices.

3. United Kingdom (UK):

  • Similar to EU: The UK generally aligns with EU regulations, though some post-Brexit adjustments might be ongoing.
  • Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS): In Scotland, HIS provides guidance for safe tattoo removal practices.
  • Focus on Consent and Aftercare: UK regulations emphasize informed consent and detailed aftercare information for patients undergoing tattoo removal.

4. Spain:

  • EU Framework: The EU Cosmetics Regulation and Reach restrictions are in effect in Spain.
  • Regulation by Region: Tattoo removal regulations in Spain can vary slightly by region. Look for information from your specific Autonomous Community's health department.
  • Medical Professional Recommendation: While not always mandatory, a recommendation from a medical professional is often encouraged for tattoo removal.

5. Italy:

  • EU Regulations Apply: Italy follows the EU framework for tattoo removal products and restrictions on tattoo ink ingredients.
  • Focus on Hygiene and Safety: Italian regulations prioritize hygiene and safety protocols in tattoo removal clinics.
  • Regional Variations: Similar to Spain, some regional variations in regulations might exist. Check with your local health authority for specifics.