The Build and its Stats:

As we dissect the stats, it's evident that the build started with Elden Ring Runes a focus on pure intelligence. However, the realization that many weapons scale well with dexterity led to the adoption of a dexterity intelligence hybrid. This decision enhances the effectiveness of the chosen weapons and provides a more balanced approach.

The armor and talisman setup is a personal preference for our Elden Ring expert. The showcased armor and talisman are chosen for their effectiveness and familiarity, highlighting the comfort and adaptability of the build.

Invasions Unleashed:

Now, let's dive into the invasions led by Chase the Bro with the dexterity intelligence build. The battles unfold, showcasing the build's prowess in both close-quarters combat and long-range engagements. The strategic use of magic, roll catches, and AOE attacks proves to be a winning formula.

The commentary during the invasions provides valuable insights into the thought process behind each move, emphasizing the strengths of the build and its adaptability in different situations. From one-shotting opponents with Waves of Elden Ring Items for sale Darkness to strategically using Moonveil for punishing long-range attacks, the build's capabilities shine through.