Elsewhere last week, a Diablo 4 lead busted an admittedly sensible community loot theory. Players have long suspected that items in your inventory influence the items you find and accrue as loot,Diablo 4 Gold  but apparently, this just isn't the case. It's actually a really reasonable theory, and we can even see why Blizzard would include it in such a loot-oriented game.

Diablo 5 won't spend a decade in development, according to Blizzard's president at least, who reckons a theoretical next game would have a much smoother time in development than Diablo 4.

Lords of the Fallen is one 2023's most significant Soulslikes, a rapidly growing sub-genre in recent years. Since launch, the game has seen a host of content updates and patches that seek to balance the solo dungeon-crawling experience as well as the online multiplayer skirmishes that players can take part in.However, the most recent update has garnered a lot of attention within the player community, and almost none of it positive. Following the launch of the patch, which has over 100 updates and quality-of-life changes, many Lords of the Fallen players have voiced frustration with how the developers have altered weapons in the game.

The core complaint from fans comes from the focus on a more balanced PvP experience, which brought about the weapon balancing changes. In the patch V1.1.282 notes, the developer's intent with the controversial changes is stated as follows: "Our goal is to foster a more varied and enjoyable gaming experience for all, while avoiding overpowered weapons. We appreciate your understanding and ongoing support."

What has the community so vocal about this recent patch is that this change, designed around offering more PvP battles, effectively rebalances the weapon economy and flow of upgrading - even for players who stick with solo play. For instance, boss weapons, which are powerful gear acquired from clearing bosses, now need to be leveled up to rank 10 instead of five. This change now creates an issue for players who had fully upgraded their weapons before the patch.

Now, boss weapons that hit the previous max at five have to go through another round of upgrades for an additional five ranks to reach the power level they were at previously. What makes matters more frustrating for players is that this change makes it difficult for players who are on New Game+ runs, as they now have to progress in the new run to earn the rare late-game materials to reach their previous stats before the patch.

"This is also going to Diablo IV Gold for sale  hurt anyone that who went into NG+ who won't even have access immediate access to the 7-9 mats for purchase," said Soulslike YouTuber FightinCowboy, whose comments were posted on Reddit, which many users agreed with. "No one likes having progress taken away from mid game."Players on Reddit have also noted that there were no refunds on weapon upgrades to reforge their load-outs, effectively locking every player into the new system.