The entire scene, though touching, ends without any thought. However, as it is revealed there's a price you must pay to Elden Ring Runes prove to Varre once and for all that you're as innocent as he believes.

Remember that first moment when Fia wants to hold you. Do you remember the part where she asked you to share the fruits of your "lifely vitality" as well as "stout-hardedness" to get her hug? It wasn't just a cute exchange of words on her part. Her embrace actually reduces your HP by 5percent, which is that is indicated by the red square icon that I talked about earlier. It might not seem to be a lot however, I guarantee you that you'll wish you had the 5% back at the end of a difficult boss battle, no matter what the reward she offers you is.

It is good news that regaining lost HP is as easy as applying the Baldachin's Blessing to your inventory.

Are Fia's health-threatening, pseudo-sexually transmitted disease a hint to the Deathbed Companion revealing something more dangerous in Elden Ring's campaign? I'm not able to say for the moment however, a decade of Souls experiences have taught me to not be sure of the people you encounter during these simulations. I wouldn't think it's beyond FromSoftware to make use of something as sweet as giving free hugs at the end of the road to buy Elden Ring Runes help facilitate a horrendous plot twist.