Dendrimers are nanosized, tree-branch like, synthetic macromolecules with well-defined, highly branched three-dimensional structures and numerous functional surface groups. They are synthetically fabricated in an inward growth pattern from a core moiety to the periphery in a generations-dependent manner. This stepwise fabrication allows homogeneous and monodisperse structures with precise molecular weights. The multiple functional end groups allow high drug payload via covalent or non-covalent attachment. Moreover, dendrimers can protect drugs from degradation and facilitate controlled/targeted release.

Polymer-Drug Conjugation for Dendrimers And Polymer Drugs Conjugate

Conjugating drugs to hydrophilic polymers like polyethylene glycol (PEG) is a useful strategy to improve their biopharmaceutical properties. PEG polymer chains increase water solubility, shield drugs from rapid clearance, and allow passive targeting to tumor tissues via enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) effect. However, burst drug release remains a limitation. Dendrimers provide a versatile platform for controlled polymer-drug conjugation wherein drug is covalently attached to the functional end groups of PEGylated dendrimers. This allows tuning of composition, density, and location of PEG and drugs for balanced hydrophilicity, stability, and controlled release.

Dendrimer-Polymer Drug Conjugates - Design and Optimization

The architecture and properties of Dendrimers And Polymer Drugs Conjugate can be rationally designed and optimized for different drug types and therapeutic applications. Factors like generation/size of dendrimer, molecular weight and density of PEG, drug-to-carrier ratio, linker chemistry and stability are known to affect conjugate properties. Hydrophilic interiors with hydrophobic peripheral functional groups facilitate drug encapsulation within the dendrimer nanopockets. PEG chains provide a protective shell while modulating hydrophilicity-hydrophobicity balance for stability and controlled drug release. Cleavable linkers varying in stability allow tuning drug release kinetics from rapid to extended release over days/weeks. Biodegradable linkers ensure non-toxic conjugate degradation.

Applications in Cancer Therapy

Dendrimer–polymer conjugates show promise as nanocarriers for delivery of chemotherapy and other anti-cancer agents. They can effectively solubilize hydrophobic drugs, protect from degradation, facilitate controlled intracellular/tumor release and achieve passive/active tumor targeting. The multiple functional groups allow targeted delivery via conjugation of targeting ligands like antibodies, peptides, oligosaccharides. In vivo studies show improved pharmacokinetics, cancer cell uptake and significant tumor growth inhibition compared to free drugs, with minimal toxicity. Ongoing work focuses on optimizing properties, increasing drug loads, multi-drug loading and development of activatable "smart" conjugates for enhanced intracellular drug release.

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