Harvesting Mopane
Harvesting mopane is straightforward but requires some basic equipment:

Equip the Saw: To Skull and Bones Items collect mopane, you'll need the Saw tool, which is a basic item available early in the game. This tool allows you to chop down trees and gather wood resources efficiently.

Approach the Node: Once you've identified a mopane tree, approach it and initiate the harvesting process. You'll be prompted to start a mini-game where you need to press the appropriate button to cut down the tree.

Quick-Time Event: Engage in the quick-time event by pressing the button when prompted. Aim for the green sections of the meter to maximize the amount of mopane you collect. Hitting the yellow zones will still yield some mopane, but less effectively.

Harvesting Efficiency: Mopane regenerates after a few minutes of real-world time. Once you’ve gathered a sufficient amount, you can return to the same location later for more resources. This makes it efficient to gather large quantities if you plan your trips strategically.

Crafting Mopane Planks
To craft mopane planks, follow these steps:

Visit the Refinery: After gathering mopane wood, head to the refinery located in Sainte-Anne. This is where you’ll process the raw mopane into planks.

Refining Process: Each mopane plank requires five stacks of mopane wood. Collect enough wood to produce the desired number of planks. The refining process is simple: just drop off your mopane wood at the refinery and wait for the planks to be produced.

Plan Your Trips: Since refining mopane requires multiple trips, plan your journeys to maximize efficiency. Each trip to the refinery should yield a significant amount of Skull and bones items for sale online planks, so gather as much mopane as possible during each visit.