Prostate cancer is a serious medical condition that affects men over the age of 50, and the numbers are continually on the rise as the population ages. While the exact causes of prostate cancer remain unknown, certain factors are known to increase a man’s risk of developing this disease.


Dr. Abhijit Gokhale is the best doctor for prostate cancer treatment in Pune, India. He is proficient in identifying, diagnosing, and treating prostate cancer in all stages. He specialized in surgery for prostate cancer and has practised medical specialization for many years. He is the Best Prostate Cancer Specialist in Pune who treats prostate cancer in the best possible way using different methods. Apart from Prostate Cancer, we offer Kidney Cancer Treatment Services as well.


Common Early Symptoms of Prostate Cancer:

  • Increased need to urinate, especially at night (nocturia).


  • Hesitancy in beginning urination or trouble stopping the flow.


  • A decrease in the strength of the urine stream.


  • Discomfort or pain while urinating.


  • The presence of blood may indicate a more serious condition.


  • Difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection.


  • Noticing a reduced amount of fluid during ejaculation.


  • Frequent pain or stiffness in these areas may indicate advanced disease. Losing weight without trying could be a sign of cancer progression.


  • Swelling in the legs or feet may occur if cancer spreads.


Pathology of an enlarged prostate and prostate cancer:


There are many underlying reasons a prostate grows too quickly or gets too large. Some of the reasons are understood. The unknown reasons are more numerous.


Starting shortly after the age of 30 that formally walnut-sized prostate starts to misbehave. A continuance of prostate growth does not have any apparent purpose. At this point in a man’s life, it might be better if the prostate could just stop its growth shenanigans! The prostate won’t listen to our argument and continues to grow.


By the age of 100 years old, 100% of all men will have an enlarged prostate. Close to all of these men will also have prostate cancer. If you are a centurion, avoiding prostate cancer might not be possible. The good news is that you will most certainly die from something else. Prostate cancer after a certain age is ignorable. Prostate health is a crucial aspect of men's overall well-being. By prioritizing early detection and seeking expert care, men can take proactive steps to maintain a healthy prostate. Dr Abhijit Gokhale, with his extensive experience and patient-centred approach, offers cutting-edge prostate treatment in Pune.