• https://youtu.be/ANCuwWkGkR4

    #CryptoyDinero #CriptoGanancias #Criptomonedas #Bitcoin #GreenChain #GREEN #DineroExtra #USDT #MineriasGratis #DineroPasivo #BNBChain #Solana #FaucetGratis #ShibaInu #Litecoin #Ethereum
    👉🚀🔥 https://youtu.be/ANCuwWkGkR4 #CryptoyDinero #CriptoGanancias #Criptomonedas #Bitcoin #GreenChain #GREEN #DineroExtra #USDT #MineriasGratis #DineroPasivo #BNBChain #Solana #FaucetGratis #ShibaInu #Litecoin #Ethereum
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1769 Views 8
  • A smart contract is a PC code that suddenly spikes in demand for blockchain and empowers secure worth trade. smart contracts can eliminate the requirement for a go between when two gatherings need to trade significant computerized or actual resources. It is a utilization of blockchain depending on a decentralized, permanent public record. Smart contracts can be based on stages like Ethereum Virtual Machine or Cement. Smart contracts record contracts as PC code that contains the states of the agreement. At the point when all conditions are met, the agreement is actuated.

    visit us for more information - https://bitly.ws/3d9vw
    A smart contract is a PC code that suddenly spikes in demand for blockchain and empowers secure worth trade. smart contracts can eliminate the requirement for a go between when two gatherings need to trade significant computerized or actual resources. It is a utilization of blockchain depending on a decentralized, permanent public record. Smart contracts can be based on stages like Ethereum Virtual Machine or Cement. Smart contracts record contracts as PC code that contains the states of the agreement. At the point when all conditions are met, the agreement is actuated. visit us for more information - https://bitly.ws/3d9vw
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1388 Views
  • Blockchain is the underlying technology enabling the growth of Smart Contacts Development. Simplilearn's Blockchain Certification Training was designed for developers who want to decipher the global craze surrounding Blockchain, Bitcoin, and cryptocurrencies. You'll learn the core structure and technical mechanisms of Bitcoin, Ethereum, Hyperledger, Dogecoin, and Multichain Blockchain platforms.

    visit us- https://www.nadcab.com/smart-contract-developers
    Blockchain is the underlying technology enabling the growth of Smart Contacts Development. Simplilearn's Blockchain Certification Training was designed for developers who want to decipher the global craze surrounding Blockchain, Bitcoin, and cryptocurrencies. You'll learn the core structure and technical mechanisms of Bitcoin, Ethereum, Hyperledger, Dogecoin, and Multichain Blockchain platforms. visit us- https://www.nadcab.com/smart-contract-developers
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2228 Views
  • Hold Your Horses, $HEDGE Hype: Is Solana's A.U.M. Advantage Real or Illusion?
    Whoa there, cowboys and cowgirls! I get the excitement about $HEDGE on Solana, but let's pump the brakes for a second and take a critical look at this "bigger than Ethereum" claim.

    Sure, A.U.M. growth in the first few hours is impressive, but remember, it's a brand new project on a relatively new chain. Comparing it to a well-established ecosystem like Ethereum's $HEDGE might be a bit premature. Apples and oranges, anyone?

    And that 275% APR on Ethereum? It was great while it lasted, but those numbers were always unsustainable. Chasing sky-high yields often leads to tears, remember? Let's not get blinded by shiny new objects and forget about basic DeFi principles.

    That said, $HEDGE does have some interesting potential. Decentralized hedge funds are a hot topic, and Solana's speed and cost advantages could give it an edge. But let's keep our expectations realistic. This is a long-term play, not a get-rich-quick scheme.
    Hold Your Horses, $HEDGE Hype: Is Solana's A.U.M. Advantage Real or Illusion? Whoa there, cowboys and cowgirls! I get the excitement about $HEDGE on Solana, but let's pump the brakes for a second and take a critical look at this "bigger than Ethereum" claim. Sure, A.U.M. growth in the first few hours is impressive, but remember, it's a brand new project on a relatively new chain. Comparing it to a well-established ecosystem like Ethereum's $HEDGE might be a bit premature. Apples and oranges, anyone? And that 275% APR on Ethereum? It was great while it lasted, but those numbers were always unsustainable. Chasing sky-high yields often leads to tears, remember? Let's not get blinded by shiny new objects and forget about basic DeFi principles. That said, $HEDGE does have some interesting potential. Decentralized hedge funds are a hot topic, and Solana's speed and cost advantages could give it an edge. But let's keep our expectations realistic. This is a long-term play, not a get-rich-quick scheme.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 4246 Views
  • https://sites.google.com/coinslogs.com/metamaskchrmeextension/home
    As of my last knowledge update in December 2023, MetaMask extension for Chrome, is a popular cryptocurrency wallet and browser extension that allows users to interact with decentralized applications (DApps) on the Ethereum blockchain. To install the
    https://sites.google.com/coinslogs.com/metamaskchrmeextension/home As of my last knowledge update in December 2023, MetaMask extension for Chrome, is a popular cryptocurrency wallet and browser extension that allows users to interact with decentralized applications (DApps) on the Ethereum blockchain. To install the
    metamask chrome extension
    MetaMask Chrome extension | Download MetaMask Wallet extension
    0 Comments 0 Shares 4438 Views
  • Ethereum Smart Contract Security Audit at Xamer encompasses a meticulous review of code to identify vulnerabilities, ensuring robust and secure decentralized applications. The team employs cutting-edge techniques, conducting thorough code reviews, automated analysis, and manual testing. This proactive approach mitigates risks, prevents potential exploits, and enhances the overall security posture of smart contracts. The benefits are multifold—establishing trust, safeguarding assets, and fortifying the foundation of blockchain technology. Xamer plays a pivotal role in fostering a secure and resilient decentralized ecosystem, essential for the sustained growth and adoption of blockchain innovations.

    Ethereum Smart Contract Security Audit at Xamer encompasses a meticulous review of code to identify vulnerabilities, ensuring robust and secure decentralized applications. The team employs cutting-edge techniques, conducting thorough code reviews, automated analysis, and manual testing. This proactive approach mitigates risks, prevents potential exploits, and enhances the overall security posture of smart contracts. The benefits are multifold—establishing trust, safeguarding assets, and fortifying the foundation of blockchain technology. Xamer plays a pivotal role in fostering a secure and resilient decentralized ecosystem, essential for the sustained growth and adoption of blockchain innovations. https://bitly.ws/33ZIt
    0 Comments 0 Shares 5222 Views
  • ¿Estás buscando una billetera digital segura y confiable para almacenar tus criptomonedas? ¡La billetera OMD es la solución que necesitas!
    OMDWallet es una billetera digital creada por expertos, que te permite almacenar y administrar tus criptomonedas de forma fácil y segura. Actualmente, OMD Wallet soporta cuatro redes principales: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance y TRON. Pero eso no es todo, ya que otras redes y tokens se integrarán progresivamente para que puedas tener todas tus criptomonedas en un solo lugar.
    Reclama tus primeras 1,000 monedas OMD gratis en este Airdrop y empieza tu camino hacia la libertad financiera con el programa de Referidos y Programa de Staking del Token OMD
    ¡Actívate, Amplia tu Red!
    Invita a la mayor cantidad de personas y multiplica tus monedas.
    Descarga gratis OMD wallet desde el link de tu patrocinador.
    Tu éxito Financiero está más cerca con el Token OMD
    Link de registro:
    Presentación OMD WALLET:
    Vídeo No.1 https://youtu.be/h94FteGsM-A?si=HiFPZ9Z7eeDSHIvI
    Vídeo No.2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auFWCXlMXA8
    Cómo descargar wallet y crear billetera:
    Agrégate a mi grupo para recibir toda la información:
    Contáctame al WhatsApp +502 5442 1076.
    ¿Estás buscando una billetera digital segura y confiable para almacenar tus criptomonedas? ¡La billetera OMD es la solución que necesitas! OMDWallet es una billetera digital creada por expertos, que te permite almacenar y administrar tus criptomonedas de forma fácil y segura. Actualmente, OMD Wallet soporta cuatro redes principales: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance y TRON. Pero eso no es todo, ya que otras redes y tokens se integrarán progresivamente para que puedas tener todas tus criptomonedas en un solo lugar. Reclama tus primeras 1,000 monedas OMD gratis en este Airdrop y empieza tu camino hacia la libertad financiera con el programa de Referidos y Programa de Staking del Token OMD ¡Actívate, Amplia tu Red! Invita a la mayor cantidad de personas y multiplica tus monedas. Descarga gratis OMD wallet desde el link de tu patrocinador. Tu éxito Financiero está más cerca con el Token OMD Link de registro: https://omdwallet.com/referal.php... Presentación OMD WALLET: Vídeo No.1 https://youtu.be/h94FteGsM-A?si=HiFPZ9Z7eeDSHIvI Vídeo No.2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auFWCXlMXA8 Cómo descargar wallet y crear billetera: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=up0RyE25NxE Agrégate a mi grupo para recibir toda la información: https://chat.whatsapp.com/BWluFbFmI09IayclFugsPp Contáctame al WhatsApp +502 5442 1076.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 5580 Views

    Dear Pioneers,

    According to WhitePaper, there's no assurance that Pi is going to be listed on exchangers after open mainnet. But anyway, the decision might later change, according to the needs of Pioneers and other reasons from the Core Team. Though, the Core Team didn't explain why exactly they have no desire for listing Pi on exchangers now, but listing or not listing Pi on exchangers would probably have no negative outcome on the coin as a Stable Coin.

    What might be the main reason that might have impact on this decision of the Core Team is probably the price of the Pi Coin, and the large number of community it has. Bitcoin and Ethereum are the top leading crypto currencies in the crypto market. Despite those coins being unstable like the Pi Coin, the demand on the coins is very very high, especially the Bitcoin because of the profit that the coin returns with time.

    If Pi coin should be listed on exchangers, then the probability of the coin to be in demand is going to be very very low, WHY? because it's a stable coin unlike BTC & ETH. If Pi is launched as a stable coin, then what would be the reason for people who didn't mined Pi to need Pi? Probably for other reasons like it happens with USDT?

    If Pi can be used to buy anything or pay for goods and services, then people who are holding Pi will have no desire for exchanging it with other currencies. Though it could be extremely advantageous to pioneers for Pi to be listed on exchangers, so they can swap it with their desired crypto currency for trading, or exchange it for fiat. But the demand for Pi in the beginning is going to be very low because it would not return any profit for the buyers since it's a Stable Coin.

    As time goes, the demand for Pi will be extremely high, but not on exchangers. Though, it would never reach that of BTC and ETH because of their differences, but it will definitely be in a serious demand because with time, Pi will be the main currency for the entire world to use anytime anywhere. And so, people who wants to have Pi coins must create utilities in order to get Pi. Like starting a business or serving people and accepting Pi as a means of payment.

    Whatever the circumstances, people who mined Pi are the ones that will be very proud of the Pi Coin, and are the same people that will smile for Pi until the end of time. Because to them, Pi is like a free money though it isn't. The more you contribute to the Pi-Network, the more Pi you earn with time. Those who refer others to mine, those who joined the Validator program and those that uses the Pi-Browser regularly, know what exactly I mean here, including developers.

    Don't play with starting a new mining session after every 24hr to earn more Pi, as the base mining rate decreases every month which is an indication of the time remain for the open mainnet launch.

    As a Pioneer, share your thought on Pi being listed on exchangers or not, and explain the reason for your decision, and what you think could be the solution.


    Up Pi-Network ✌.
    π - LISTING PI ON EXCHANGERS - π Dear Pioneers, According to WhitePaper, there's no assurance that Pi is going to be listed on exchangers after open mainnet. But anyway, the decision might later change, according to the needs of Pioneers and other reasons from the Core Team. Though, the Core Team didn't explain why exactly they have no desire for listing Pi on exchangers now, but listing or not listing Pi on exchangers would probably have no negative outcome on the coin as a Stable Coin. What might be the main reason that might have impact on this decision of the Core Team is probably the price of the Pi Coin, and the large number of community it has. Bitcoin and Ethereum are the top leading crypto currencies in the crypto market. Despite those coins being unstable like the Pi Coin, the demand on the coins is very very high, especially the Bitcoin because of the profit that the coin returns with time. If Pi coin should be listed on exchangers, then the probability of the coin to be in demand is going to be very very low, WHY? because it's a stable coin unlike BTC & ETH. If Pi is launched as a stable coin, then what would be the reason for people who didn't mined Pi to need Pi? Probably for other reasons like it happens with USDT? If Pi can be used to buy anything or pay for goods and services, then people who are holding Pi will have no desire for exchanging it with other currencies. Though it could be extremely advantageous to pioneers for Pi to be listed on exchangers, so they can swap it with their desired crypto currency for trading, or exchange it for fiat. But the demand for Pi in the beginning is going to be very low because it would not return any profit for the buyers since it's a Stable Coin. As time goes, the demand for Pi will be extremely high, but not on exchangers. Though, it would never reach that of BTC and ETH because of their differences, but it will definitely be in a serious demand because with time, Pi will be the main currency for the entire world to use anytime anywhere. And so, people who wants to have Pi coins must create utilities in order to get Pi. Like starting a business or serving people and accepting Pi as a means of payment. Whatever the circumstances, people who mined Pi are the ones that will be very proud of the Pi Coin, and are the same people that will smile for Pi until the end of time. Because to them, Pi is like a free money though it isn't. The more you contribute to the Pi-Network, the more Pi you earn with time. Those who refer others to mine, those who joined the Validator program and those that uses the Pi-Browser regularly, know what exactly I mean here, including developers. Don't play with starting a new mining session after every 24hr to earn more Pi, as the base mining rate decreases every month which is an indication of the time remain for the open mainnet launch. "SHARE YOUR THOUGHT" As a Pioneer, share your thought on Pi being listed on exchangers or not, and explain the reason for your decision, and what you think could be the solution. DON'T FORGET TO SHARE THIS INFORMATION SO WE CAN HEAR DIFFERENT OPINIONS FROM OUR FELLOW PIONEERS AROUND THE WORLD TO SEE WHAT'S BEST FOR US! Up Pi-Network ✌.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 7678 Views
  • RECLAMA GRATIS WAKANDA INU On Trust Wallet + comprobante de pago
    En este vídeo, te mostraré cómo recolectar más de 2.000.000 de Wakanda inu cada 24 horas.

    Enlace de registro: https://t.me/EmmaWakandaINUbot?start=5109297852
    Bono de invitación: 10.000.000 Wakanda

    Bono diario: 2.000.000
    Retiro mínimo: 2.000.000
    Realiza estos sencillos pasos para empezar a acumular tus tokens Wakanda Inu cada 24 horas:
    1. Únete a los canales del bot.
    2. Luego, presiona "Unido" para comenzar a ganar.
    Página oficial de Wakanda Inu: https://www.wakandainu.com/
    -BSC (BEP20): 0x5344c20fd242545f31723689662ac12b9556fc3d
    -ETHEREUM (ERC20): 0x5444c30210d8a0a156178cfb8048b4137c0d40d1

    Este bot es completamente gratuito y no requiere depósitos ni referidos para realizar retiros! No te lo pierdas.
    RECLAMA GRATIS WAKANDA INU On Trust Wallet + comprobante de pago En este vídeo, te mostraré cómo recolectar más de 2.000.000 de Wakanda inu cada 24 horas. Enlace de registro: https://t.me/EmmaWakandaINUbot?start=5109297852 Bono de invitación: 10.000.000 Wakanda Bono diario: 2.000.000 Retiro mínimo: 2.000.000 🚀 Realiza estos sencillos pasos para empezar a acumular tus tokens Wakanda Inu cada 24 horas: 1. Únete a los canales del bot. 2. Luego, presiona ✅ "Unido" para comenzar a ganar. 🔗 Página oficial de Wakanda Inu: https://www.wakandainu.com/ 📋 Contratos: -BSC (BEP20): 0x5344c20fd242545f31723689662ac12b9556fc3d -ETHEREUM (ERC20): 0x5444c30210d8a0a156178cfb8048b4137c0d40d1 Este bot es completamente gratuito y no requiere depósitos ni referidos para realizar retiros! No te lo pierdas. 💰🚀
    Share your link and get 10,000,000 when someone joins through you.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 3456 Views
  • Ethereum's Oversold Status Against Bitcoin – A Golden Opportunity?
    Hello crypto aficionados,

    I've been closely monitoring the recent price action of Ethereum (ETH), and it's currently at its most oversold levels since August 2019 when ETH was just $170. What's remarkable is that back then, it paved the way for an astonishing 2605% price surge over the following two years, ultimately reaching around $4,600 in November 2021.

    Given this historical precedent, I can't help but wonder if we're presented with a golden opportunity. Is it time to consider adding Ethereum to your crypto portfolio while it's undervalued compared to Bitcoin?

    The potential for Ethereum's growth remains intriguing, and this oversold condition might be the entry point for those who believe in the long-term potential of this blockchain platform.

    Ethereum's Oversold Status Against Bitcoin – A Golden Opportunity?🤑 Hello crypto aficionados,✌️ I've been closely monitoring the recent price action of Ethereum (ETH), and it's currently at its most oversold levels since August 2019 when ETH was just $170.💯 What's remarkable is that back then, it paved the way for an astonishing 2605% price surge over the following two years, ultimately reaching around $4,600 in November 2021. Given this historical precedent,😁 I can't help but wonder if we're presented with a golden opportunity. Is it time to consider adding Ethereum to your crypto portfolio while it's undervalued compared to Bitcoin? The potential for Ethereum's growth remains intriguing, and this oversold condition might be the entry point for those who believe in the long-term potential of this blockchain platform.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2806 Views
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