• "Duyunov's motors" is a project aimed at commercializing the unique "Slavyanka" technology. To accomplish this goal, the "Sovelmash" design and engineering technology department (D&E) is being built in Moscow, where combined winding electric motors will be developed. The project is implemented through crowd funding, i.e. with the money contributed by thousands of people. Crowdinvesting is the method that makes it possible for anyone from any country to become an investor in the project and subsequently profit from their investment.


    One of the cornerstones of the project's uniqueness is the patented "Slavyanka" technology, which is applicable to various types of induction electric motors. The technology's developer is the Russian engineer Dmitriy Duyunov. "Slavyanka" based motors are significantly more powerful, cost-efficient and environmentally friendly than any of their counterparts in the world. Learn more about their benefits and about "Sovelmash" on the official website by following the link.

    The world is now paying close attention to energy conservation and environmental protection, so "Slavyanka" based electric motors are a sought-after innovative product. The company that will develop them is bound to become one of the market leaders.

    Investors in the project "Duyunov's motors" purchase shares of the "Sovelmash" engineering center, which is being built on the territory of the special economic zone "Technopolis "Moscow". After the D&E starts developing customized motors, the investors will earn income from the company's profits in dividends, according to the number of shares they own. Or they will be able to earn a profit from selling the company's shares.

    The price of shares now is much lower than the future value of the company's shares. In addition, the project offers a system of installment plans, which makes investing in it affordable for people with different incomes.


    More than 50,000 people from around the world have already invested in the project. "Sovelmash" used these funds to begin the engineering center construction in late 2020, and the project is scheduled to be completed in the 3rd quarter of 2023. The construction work is now in full swing. This year, the thermal envelope was completely closed, reinforced concrete work was completed, and the building is being connected to the heating pipeline and other utilities. In addition, "Sovelmash" has one of the best laboratories in Russia, equipped through investments, as well as other departments where motors are developed and continue to be tested.

    On January 16, 2023, the project "Duyunov's motors" goes to funding stage 18 out of the 20 planned ones. You still have time to join the project or, if you are already investing, to increase the number of your investment shares. By doing so, you will not only ensure the future financial well-being for yourself and your loved ones, but also make an important contribution to improving the planet's ecology
    "Duyunov's motors" is a project aimed at commercializing the unique "Slavyanka" technology. To accomplish this goal, the "Sovelmash" design and engineering technology department (D&E) is being built in Moscow, where combined winding electric motors will be developed. The project is implemented through crowd funding, i.e. with the money contributed by thousands of people. Crowdinvesting is the method that makes it possible for anyone from any country to become an investor in the project and subsequently profit from their investment. https://reg.solargroup.pro/cth270/02 One of the cornerstones of the project's uniqueness is the patented "Slavyanka" technology, which is applicable to various types of induction electric motors. The technology's developer is the Russian engineer Dmitriy Duyunov. "Slavyanka" based motors are significantly more powerful, cost-efficient and environmentally friendly than any of their counterparts in the world. Learn more about their benefits and about "Sovelmash" on the official website by following the link. The world is now paying close attention to energy conservation and environmental protection, so "Slavyanka" based electric motors are a sought-after innovative product. The company that will develop them is bound to become one of the market leaders. Investors in the project "Duyunov's motors" purchase shares of the "Sovelmash" engineering center, which is being built on the territory of the special economic zone "Technopolis "Moscow". After the D&E starts developing customized motors, the investors will earn income from the company's profits in dividends, according to the number of shares they own. Or they will be able to earn a profit from selling the company's shares. The price of shares now is much lower than the future value of the company's shares. In addition, the project offers a system of installment plans, which makes investing in it affordable for people with different incomes. https://reg.solargroup.pro/cth270/02 More than 50,000 people from around the world have already invested in the project. "Sovelmash" used these funds to begin the engineering center construction in late 2020, and the project is scheduled to be completed in the 3rd quarter of 2023. The construction work is now in full swing. This year, the thermal envelope was completely closed, reinforced concrete work was completed, and the building is being connected to the heating pipeline and other utilities. In addition, "Sovelmash" has one of the best laboratories in Russia, equipped through investments, as well as other departments where motors are developed and continue to be tested. On January 16, 2023, the project "Duyunov's motors" goes to funding stage 18 out of the 20 planned ones. You still have time to join the project or, if you are already investing, to increase the number of your investment shares. By doing so, you will not only ensure the future financial well-being for yourself and your loved ones, but also make an important contribution to improving the planet's ecology
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  • On May 27, a conference was held in Lima for the participants in the project "Duyunov's motors". The event became the largest one hosted by SOLARGROUP in Latin America. It brought together more than 200 guests: the project's most active investors and partners, newcomers, business representatives from Peru and guests from Ecuador.


    While at the first conference in Peru in 2021 we mainly talked about the plans, this time we talked about our achievements.

    SOLARGROUP's top managers Pavel Shadskiy and Pavel Filippov addressed the audience. They spoke about the construction progress of the "Sovelmash" engineering centre and the project news, announced the funding figures and the plans for developing the companies.

    The presentation by Andrey Lobov, head of the "Resurs" production cooperative, aroused general interest. He demonstrated "Slavyanka" based combined winding electric motors, including a boat motor. He explained where they could be applied and how you could make money from it.

    Victor Arestov, head of ASPP Weihai, addressed the conference via video link and explained how the technology was being promoted in Asia, in which countries it was in demand and what the prospects were for "Sovelmash" in the Asian market.

    SOLARGROUP's national partner in Peru and Ecuador Massimiliano Vivian Rossini and the leading partners in Peru also addressed the audience. They spoke about how they were developing the project in their country.

    The conference participants were the first to learn about the special offers for investors from Peru, to get answers to their questions from the speakers and to communicate with each other. Many asked when the technology would be available in their country and how to launch mass production of "Slavyanka" based electric motors.


    Pavel Filippov: "The conference showed that the interest in the project in Peru has grown and become fundamentally different. There were a lot of people, business people, who were interested in developing the technology, not just investing. People understand the essence of this business and are willing and ready to develop it here."
    On May 27, a conference was held in Lima for the participants in the project "Duyunov's motors". The event became the largest one hosted by SOLARGROUP in Latin America. It brought together more than 200 guests: the project's most active investors and partners, newcomers, business representatives from Peru and guests from Ecuador. https://reg.solargroup.pro/cth270/02 While at the first conference in Peru in 2021 we mainly talked about the plans, this time we talked about our achievements. SOLARGROUP's top managers Pavel Shadskiy and Pavel Filippov addressed the audience. They spoke about the construction progress of the "Sovelmash" engineering centre and the project news, announced the funding figures and the plans for developing the companies. The presentation by Andrey Lobov, head of the "Resurs" production cooperative, aroused general interest. He demonstrated "Slavyanka" based combined winding electric motors, including a boat motor. He explained where they could be applied and how you could make money from it. Victor Arestov, head of ASPP Weihai, addressed the conference via video link and explained how the technology was being promoted in Asia, in which countries it was in demand and what the prospects were for "Sovelmash" in the Asian market. SOLARGROUP's national partner in Peru and Ecuador Massimiliano Vivian Rossini and the leading partners in Peru also addressed the audience. They spoke about how they were developing the project in their country. The conference participants were the first to learn about the special offers for investors from Peru, to get answers to their questions from the speakers and to communicate with each other. Many asked when the technology would be available in their country and how to launch mass production of "Slavyanka" based electric motors. https://reg.solargroup.pro/cth270/02 Pavel Filippov: "The conference showed that the interest in the project in Peru has grown and become fundamentally different. There were a lot of people, business people, who were interested in developing the technology, not just investing. People understand the essence of this business and are willing and ready to develop it here."
    0 Comments 0 Shares 6498 Views
  • https://reg.solargroup.pro/cth270/02

    The project "Duyunov's motors"
    Support innovations in Russia and make profit from it

    "Duyunov's motors" is a project aimed at commercialization of the unique "Slavyanka" combined winding technology. The technology allows the team of engineer Dmitriy A. Duyunov to design new generation electric motors used in electric transport, industry, agriculture, military sector, aviation, household appliances, medicine and other fields.

    The main advantages of electric motors with the "Slavyanka" technology
    https://reg.solargroup.pro/cth270/02 The project "Duyunov's motors" Support innovations in Russia and make profit from it "Duyunov's motors" is a project aimed at commercialization of the unique "Slavyanka" combined winding technology. The technology allows the team of engineer Dmitriy A. Duyunov to design new generation electric motors used in electric transport, industry, agriculture, military sector, aviation, household appliances, medicine and other fields. The main advantages of electric motors with the "Slavyanka" technology
    1 Comments 0 Shares 2942 Views
    ¿Cómo gana dinero el socio?
    El socio gana dinero promoviendo los proyectos que son financiados por la empresa SOLARGROUP, y recibe por su trabajo una remuneración por referencias, que puede ser retirada en cualquier momento en forma de dinero en efectivo.
    Firme el "Acuerdo de socio" en la cuenta personal.
    Recomiende nuestros proyectos a sus conocidos.
    Reciba una remuneración de referencia por su trabajo.
    Una de las mayores remuneraciones de referencia en la industria.
    Hasta el 16% de los clientes en la primera línea.
    Pagos desde una profundidad de la estructura de socios hasta el nivel 20.
    Y además:
    Puede promover nuestros proyectos y recibir remuneraciones de referencia sin una inversión personal.
    La remuneración de referencia se acredita de forma inmediata y automática a su cuenta en la cuenta personal.
    La remuneración por referencia se cobra en su equivalente en dinero y está disponible para su retiro con su tarjeta o billetera en el sistema de pago.
    No hay restricciones en cuanto a la cantidad de inversores y socios invitados personalmente.
    Los estatus de socio se cambian automáticamente.
    Remuneración mínima disponible para ser retirada - USD50
    Quien lo desee puede ganar dinero
    ¿Usted es un principiante
    Cuente a sus amigos y conocidos sobre los proyectos que promueve SOLARGROUP, y gane su primer remuneración por referencia.
    ¿Usted es un especialista en marketing
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    ¿Usted es un blogger
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    #Solargrup #SovElMash #Slavyanka #Inversión #Innovación #Invención #Motoreseléctricos #Еficiencia #Еconomía #Еnergía #Ingresospasivos #Activo #MotoresDuyunov
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    Solargroup Duyunov Arequipa
    Solargroup Duyunov Ayacucho
    Solargroup Duyunov Cajamarca
    Solargroup Duyunov Callao
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    Solargroup Duyunov Huánuco
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    Solargroup Duyunov Junín
    Solargroup Duyunov LaLibertad
    Solargroup Duyunov Lambayeque
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    Solargroup Duyunov Loreto
    Solargroup Duyunov Madre De Dios
    Solargroup Duyunov Moquegua
    Solargroup Duyunov Pasco
    Solargroup Duyunov Piura
    Solargroup Duyunov Puno
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    Solargroup Duyunov Argentina
    Solargroup Duyunov Guatemala
    Solargroup Duyunov Hoduras
    Solargroup Duyunov Costa Rica
    Solargroup Duyunov Panamá
    Solargroup Duyunov Ecuador
    Solargroup Duyunov El Salvador
    🌐🆓REGISTROS: https://solargroup.uno/ 👉¿Cómo gana dinero el socio?💰🚻 El socio gana dinero promoviendo los proyectos que son financiados por la empresa SOLARGROUP, y recibe por su trabajo una remuneración por referencias, que puede ser retirada en cualquier momento en forma de dinero en efectivo.🚓🚜🚎 🌐Firme el "Acuerdo de socio" en la cuenta personal. 🌐Recomiende nuestros proyectos a sus conocidos. 🌐Reciba una remuneración de referencia por su trabajo. Una de las mayores remuneraciones de referencia en la industria. 📢Hasta el 16% de los clientes en la primera línea. 📢Pagos desde una profundidad de la estructura de socios hasta el nivel 20. Y además: ❓‼️🌐📢 ✅Puede promover nuestros proyectos y recibir remuneraciones de referencia sin una inversión personal. ✅La remuneración de referencia se acredita de forma inmediata y automática a su cuenta en la cuenta personal. ✅La remuneración por referencia se cobra en su equivalente en dinero y está disponible para su retiro con su tarjeta o billetera en el sistema de pago. ✅No hay restricciones en cuanto a la cantidad de inversores y socios invitados personalmente. ✅Los estatus de socio se cambian automáticamente. ✅Remuneración mínima disponible para ser retirada - USD50 Quien lo desee puede ganar dinero‼️ ¿Usted es un principiante❓ Cuente a sus amigos y conocidos sobre los proyectos que promueve SOLARGROUP, y gane su primer remuneración por referencia. ¿Usted es un especialista en marketing❓ Coloque publicidad en Internet y reciba una remuneración por cada cliente atraído. ¿Usted es un blogger❓ ¿Usted tiene muchos amigos en las redes sociales, un sitio que visita o un canal de YouTube? Cuéntele a sus suscriptores sobre nuestros proyectos y gane dinero por ello. ¿Usted es un networker con experiencia❓ ¿Usted tiene una estructura en otra empresa? ¡Cuéntele a sus socios sobre los proyectos de SOLARGROUP y comience a ganar más! #Solargrup #SovElMash #Slavyanka #Inversión #Innovación #Invención #Motoreseléctricos #Еficiencia #Еconomía #Еnergía #Ingresospasivos #Activo #MotoresDuyunov Solargroup Duyunov United States Solargroup Duyunov Alabama Solargroup Duyunov Alaska Solargroup Duyunov Arizona Solargroup Duyunov Arkansas Solargroup Duyunov Colorado Solargroup Duyunov Connecticut Solargroup Duyunov California Solargroup Duyunov Kansas Solargroup Duyunov Kentucky Solargroup Duyunov Luisiana Solargroup Duyunov Maine Solargroup Duyunov Maryland Solargroup Duyunov Delaware Solargroup Duyunov Florida Solargroup Duyunov Georgia Solargroup Duyunov Hawái Solargroup Duyunov Idaho Solargroup Duyunov Illinois Solargroup Duyunov Indiana Solargroup Duyunov Iowa Solargroup Duyunov Massachusetts Solargroup Duyunov Míchigan Solargroup Duyunov Minnesota Solargroup Duyunov Misisipi Solargroup Duyunov Misuri Solargroup Duyunov Montana Solargroup Duyunov Nebraska Solargroup Duyunov Carolina del Norte Solargroup Duyunov Carolina del Sur Solargroup Duyunov Dakota del Norte Solargroup Duyunov Dakota del Sur Solargroup Duyunov Nevada Solargroup Duyunov Nueva Jersey Solargroup Duyunov Nueva York Solargroup Duyunov Nuevo Hampshire Solargroup Duyunov Nuevo México Solargroup Duyunov Ohio Solargroup Duyunov Oklahoma Solargroup Duyunov Oregón Solargroup Duyunov Pensilvania Solargroup Duyunov Rhode Island Solargroup Duyunov Tennessee Solargroup Duyunov Texas Solargroup Duyunov Utah Solargroup Duyunov Vermont Solargroup Duyunov Virginia Solargroup Duyunov Virginia Occidental Solargroup Duyunov Washington Solargroup Duyunov Wisconsin Solargroup Duyunov Wyoming Solargroup Duyunov Perú Solargroup Duyunov Amazonas Solargroup Duyunov Ancash Solargroup Duyunov Huancayo Solargroup Duyunov Tarma Solargroup Duyunov Jauja Solargroup Duyunov Chupaca Solargroup Duyunov La Merced Solargroup Duyunov Churcampa Solargroup Duyunov Apurimac Solargroup Duyunov Arequipa Solargroup Duyunov Ayacucho Solargroup Duyunov Cajamarca Solargroup Duyunov Callao Solargroup Duyunov Cusco Solargroup Duyunov Huancavelica Solargroup Duyunov Huánuco Solargroup Duyunov Ica Solargroup Duyunov Junín Solargroup Duyunov LaLibertad Solargroup Duyunov Lambayeque Solargroup Duyunov Lima Solargroup Duyunov Loreto Solargroup Duyunov Madre De Dios Solargroup Duyunov Moquegua Solargroup Duyunov Pasco Solargroup Duyunov Piura Solargroup Duyunov Puno Solargroup Duyunov San Martin Solargroup Duyunov Tacna Solargroup Duyunov Tumbes Solargroup Duyunov Ucayali Solargroup Duyunov México Solargroup Duyunov Colombia Solargroup Duyunov Brasil Solargroup Duyunov Perú Solargroup Duyunov Guatemala Solargroup Duyunov Chile Solargroup Duyunov Bolivia Solargroup Duyunov Argentina Solargroup Duyunov Guatemala Solargroup Duyunov Hoduras Solargroup Duyunov Costa Rica Solargroup Duyunov Panamá Solargroup Duyunov Ecuador Solargroup Duyunov El Salvador https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EDj5WnOf54
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