Do you find yourself intrigued by the prospect of trying out a variety of builds and classes? You unquestionably are a very fortunate individual!

Acquiring renown for your main character, procuring the Codex of Power, stowing away items, and minimizing losses of gold and other materials are the various objectives of these strategies. These strategies are geared toward speeding up the acquisition of items and advancement in levels for your secondary character. Keep up its lively spirit. Explore the many options available to you when it comes to building things in Sanctuary.
You can hasten the leveling of any New Characters (Alts) by bringing your Main Character to the conclusion of the Campaign. 

This is the single most effective thing you can do to accomplish this goal. After you have completed the Campaign in its entirety, you will be able to skip it on any and all subsequent characters that you create. This applies to both new and existing characters.(Heavy Metal, Melodic Rock, and Other Genres)

The process of leveling up through the Campaign is significantly more time consuming than the process of leveling up through Dungeons or Events. This is due to the fact that the Campaign does not contain an especially high number of monsters. Additionally, there are cutscenes that cannot be skipped, which will cause you to lose even more time.

The ability of your Main Character to earn Renown D4 items up to Tier 3 or even Tier 5 in each of the game's five regions has a significant impact on the strength of Alt Characters, making it much simpler to advance the characters through the game's levels. This ability is tied to the fact that your Main Character can earn Renown Rewards up to Tier 3 or even Tier 5 in each of the game's five regions. If you just want to make a new character and you haven't bothered to complete these Renown objectives on your Main character, you should at least finish the Campaign on your Main character. This will allow you to prioritize achieving Tier 3 Renown Rewards in each region on your Alt character. If you just want to make a new character and you haven't bothered to complete these Renown objectives on your Main character, you can just make a new character.

When you gain renown, you will receive an immediate increase of +5 Potion Capacity, +10 Skills, and +20 Paragon Points. This is not a joke.

If it's at all possible, you should make it a goal to earn at least Tier 3 Renown Rewards in each region with your Main character. This will allow you to receive an additional +5 Potion Capacity and +10 Skills for any subsequent characters you create. If it's not possible, you should at least try. When each of your alternate characters reaches level 50, you will receive an additional 20 Paragon Points for the total of all of your alternate characters.

It is essential to acquire Renown by participating in the following activities in the following order:

Waypoints for Exploration of the Altars of Lilith (With Priority Given to Waypoints Associated with Region Hubs)

(Alternative Classes Ought to Have Priority When It Comes to Dungeons) Codex of Power Aspects

Extra Quests (Tip: BEFORE you enter any dungeons, complete as many of the optional quests (!) that are located near the waypoints as you possibly can. This should be done BEFORE you enter any dungeons. This is done so that you can have the best possible chance of simultaneously gaining renown from dungeons and side quests within a given region, and this is why this is done. The use of these will result in increases to the base statistics of any new characters that you create after using them. There are a total of 68 Paragon Points and 4 Paragon Points up for grabs, both of which grant significant power boosts beginning at Level 1 and can be earned by completing various challenges.

The farm as it appears in the Codex of Power as the target.

By achieving the required level in the required dungeons, you will be able to unlock Codex of Power Legendary Aspects for your Alt Character Build. It is the most dependable method for increasing the power of the equipment that is equipped by your alt. You will have the opportunity to imprint additional Rares with Legendary Aspects as you progress further with your new character.

Putting Things Away in Their Place

Putting things away requires some forethought on the part of the person doing it. If you already have an idea of the new builds you want to make once you reach the endgame on your main character, you can save items for your planned alts as you progress through the game so that they will be ready for you when you reach that point on your main character. This indicates that you will be able to store a batch of Rare Gear that you find on your Main Character that has optimal stats for your planned Alt Character approximately every 5-10 levels. You can find Rare Gear by exploring the world of Azeroth with your Main Character. In addition, as of the beginning of Season 1, the maximum level for Sacred items has been reduced to 60, while the maximum level for Ancestral items has been increased to 80. You can make the progression of your Alt more enjoyable by utilizing reliable upgrades. This will allow you to progress through the game more quickly.

Creatures Looming in the Background

You will be rewarded with special Rare items no matter what character level you are at when you defeat Hidden Rare Elites. These rewards are guaranteed. You can farm Haunted Crossbows with progressively higher Item Power from Renn Dayne in Hawezar at Levels 30, 40, 50, 60, and 70. Your Rogue will have access to dependable weapon upgrades thanks to this perk, which will significantly increase their power every ten levels as they level up.

The Grading or Leveling of Power

If you have already completed the Campaign, obtained the Tier 5 Renown Rewards for each region, and obtained all of the relevant Codex of Power Aspects for your alt on your main character, you will be able to take advantage of a couple of different strategies for quickly leveling up your character. These strategies will allow you to take advantage of faster methods of leveling up your character. Since the beginning of Season 1, the only monsters that will grant you experience bonuses when you kill them are those that are up to ten levels higher than you. After reaching this point, the additional experience you gain will no longer confer any additional benefits on you.

You can quickly level up an alt by repeatedly completing the same Strongholds, particularly the Kor Dragon one.

You'll find that certain Dungeons, like Sirocco Caverns (Level 20) and Uldur's Cave (Level 45), provide the best possible combination of loot and experience for leveling up your alt character. Because of this, you will be able to super-accelerate your progression while simultaneously rapidly gaining experience. Because the monsters have higher levels than you do, you should be prepared for a certain amount of resistance from them due to the fact that they have a level advantage.