RPO Read

Description: This type of RPO involves the quarterback making a decision based on the defense's reaction. After the snap, the quarterback can choose to CFB 25 Coins hand the ball off to the running back or keep it to pass or run. This option is similar to a traditional read option but adds a passing component.
Example Play: RPO Read Y Flat
How It Works: If the defense commits to the running back (the R defender), the quarterback keeps the ball and either scrambles or passes to a receiver. If the defense focuses on the quarterback, the ball is handed off to the running back.
RPO Glance

Description: RPO Glance plays offer a more traditional pocket-passing experience after the initial handoff decision. The quarterback can choose to hand the ball off or keep it to pass from the pocket. This type of RPO emphasizes a more conventional passing setup compared to RPO Read.
Example Play: RPO Glance X Dig
How It Works: The quarterback can either hand the ball off to the running back or keep it to pass from a more stable pocket. This play typically offers more time for passing compared to RPO Read.
RPO Walk

Description: RPO Walk plays involve the quarterback holding the ball in the running back’s stomach longer before making a decision. This extended decision-making time can create better opportunities for either running or passing.
Example Play: RPO Walk Bubble
How It Works: The quarterback keeps the ball close to the running back’s belly, giving more time to cheap CFB 25 Coins read the defense and decide whether to hand off or pass.