Path of Exile (PoE) is known for its challenging and diverse boss encounters. Facing these formidable foes requires a combination of strategy, skill, and preparation. This guide will provide an overview of some of the most iconic bosses in PoE, along with tips and strategies to Path of exile currency help you defeat them.

Dominus, High Templar

Dominus is the final boss of Act 3 and one of the first major challenges in Path of Exile. He has two phases, each with its own set of mechanics.

Phase 1: In the first phase, Dominus attacks with a variety of physical and lightning abilities. Watch out for his lightning beam and ground slam attacks, which can deal significant damage. Keep moving to avoid his telegraphed attacks and use hit-and-run tactics to chip away at his health.

Phase 2: In the second phase, Dominus transforms into a monstrous form and gains new abilities. He will summon minions and use blood rain to deal area damage. Focus on clearing the minions quickly to reduce incoming damage, and avoid standing in the blood rain. Continue using hit-and-run tactics to cheap POE orbs wear him down.