What is ISO 24762 Certification?

ISO 24762 Certification in Kenya also known as the "Guidelines for Information and Communications Technology Disaster Recovery Services," is an international standard that provides a framework for ICT disaster recovery planning. It specifies requirements for organizations to develop, implement, and manage disaster recovery plans for ICT services to ensure the continuation of critical business functions in the event of disruptions such as natural disasters, cyber-attacks, or system failures.

ISO 24762 covers a wide range of aspects, including risk assessment, backup management, incident response, recovery strategies, and continuous improvement of disaster recovery plans. This certification is particularly beneficial for organizations that offer disaster recovery services or rely heavily on ICT systems and want to demonstrate their commitment to business continuity and resilience.

What are the Benefits of ISO 24762 Certification?

ISO 24762 Implementation in Zambia offers several key benefits to organizations, particularly those operating in industries that rely heavily on ICT systems and services:

  1. Enhanced Business Continuity: ISO 24762 ensures that organizations are well-prepared for any ICT disruptions, allowing them to maintain critical operations and reduce downtime.

  2. Improved Risk Management: Certification requires organizations to conduct comprehensive risk assessments, develop mitigation strategies, and implement robust recovery plans to manage ICT-related risks.

  3. Increased Trust and Credibility: ISO 24762 certification enhances an organization’s reputation by demonstrating its commitment to disaster recovery and continuity planning, which is crucial for gaining the trust of clients, stakeholders, and partners.

  4. Regulatory Compliance: Achieving ISO 24762 certification helps organizations comply with legal and regulatory requirements related to data protection, information security, and disaster recovery.

  5. Competitive Advantage: Certification sets an organization apart from competitors by showcasing its dedication to safeguarding its ICT infrastructure and ensuring continuous service delivery.

  6. Operational Efficiency: Implementing ISO 24762 enables organizations to streamline their disaster recovery processes, optimize resource allocation, and improve overall operational efficiency.

  7. Reduced Financial Losses: A well-established disaster recovery plan minimizes the financial impact of disruptions by ensuring a swift return to normal operations, thereby reducing potential revenue losses.

How Much Does ISO 24762 Certification Cost?

ISO 24762 Cost in Senegal  varies depending on several factors, such as the size of the organization, the complexity of its ICT infrastructure, the scope of the disaster recovery plan, and the level of preparedness. Key cost components include:

  • Gap Analysis: Conducting a gap analysis to identify areas of non-compliance with ISO 24762 guidelines. This involves an initial assessment of existing disaster recovery policies and procedures.

  • Consultant Fees: Engaging consultants to assist with the development and implementation of disaster recovery plans, conducting risk assessments, and preparing documentation.

  • Training Costs: Providing training to personnel on ISO 24762 requirements, disaster recovery planning, incident management, and response strategies.

  • Certification Audit Fees: Fees charged by an accredited certification body to conduct the certification audit, including both the initial audit and subsequent surveillance audits.

ISO 24762 Certification Audit Process and Implementation

ISO 24762 Audit in philippines process involves several crucial steps to ensure that an organization’s disaster recovery plans meet the standards outlined in the guidelines:

  1. Gap Analysis: The certification process begins with a gap analysis to assess the current disaster recovery policies, procedures, and systems against ISO 24762 requirements. This helps identify areas that need improvement.

  2. Documentation and Implementation: Organizations need to develop and implement a comprehensive disaster recovery plan that includes detailed procedures for risk assessment, backup management, incident response, and recovery strategies.

  3. Risk Assessment: A thorough risk assessment is conducted to identify potential threats and vulnerabilities to ICT services. This includes assessing the likelihood and impact of various types of disruptions.

  4. Internal Audits: Conduct internal audits to verify the effectiveness of the disaster recovery plan and ensure compliance with ISO 24762 requirements. Internal audits help identify any gaps or non-conformities that need to be addressed before the certification audit.

  5. Training and Awareness: Train personnel on ISO 24762 requirements, disaster recovery planning, and emergency response procedures. This ensures that employees are well-prepared to respond to ICT disruptions.

  6. Certification Audit: A third-party certification body conducts a two-stage audit. Stage 1 involves a review of the disaster recovery plan, policies, and documentation to ensure compliance with ISO 24762 guidelines. Stage 2 is an on-site audit to evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of the disaster recovery plan.

  7. Certification: If the organization successfully meets all ISO 24762 requirements, it is awarded the certification, which is typically valid for three years. Annual surveillance audits are conducted to ensure ongoing compliance.

How to Get ISO 24762 Consultant Services ?

Obtaining ISO 24762 certification can be complex, and organizations often seek the assistance of professional consultants to guide them through the process. B2bcert offers specialized consulting services to help organizations achieve ISO 24762 certification efficiently. These services include:

  1. Gap Analysis and Roadmap Development: B2bcert consultants conduct a comprehensive gap analysis to identify areas that need improvement and develop a tailored roadmap for achieving ISO 24762 certification.

  2. Documentation and Implementation Support: Consultants provide support in developing and implementing the necessary documentation, disaster recovery plans, risk assessments, and incident response procedures in line with ISO 24762 guidelines.

  3. Training and Capacity Building: B2bcert offers customized training programs to educate employees on ISO 24762 requirements, disaster recovery planning, and emergency response strategies.

  4. Internal Audits and Pre-Assessment: Consultants assist with conducting internal audits and pre-assessments to ensure that the organization is fully prepared for the certification audit.

  5. Ongoing Support and Maintenance: After achieving certification, B2bcert provides ongoing support to help organizations maintain ISO 24762 certification, prepare for surveillance audits, and continually improve their disaster recovery processes.


ISO 24762 certification is essential for organizations that rely heavily on ICT services and need to ensure the continuity of critical operations in the event of disruptions. By implementing robust disaster recovery plans in line with ISO 24762 guidelines, organizations can enhance their business continuity, manage ICT-related risks, and gain a competitive edge in the market. Working with experienced consultants like B2bcert can help organizations navigate the certification process smoothly, achieve ISO 24762 certification efficiently, and demonstrate their commitment to business resilience and disaster preparedness.