There is a famous quotation which states “You never get a second chance to create the first impression.” Though this quotation is about people and it stresses on the importance of making a good first impression, the meaning can be further extended. Interestingly, there are many ‘firsts’ in our life which go unnoticed if not paid attention to. Few of such moments are in the pre-wedding period. Whether it is your own wedding or of a loved one, those pre-wedding interactions, whether in-person or long-distance, are sweet and memorable. This fact lies in the emergence of the concept of pre-wedding photo sessions and that’s how the inclination towards pre wedding photography grew.

There are a lot of factors associated with the subject and to indicate why these photo shoots prior to the wedding are so significant.

Hold on to precious memories:

As is evident, the pre-wedding period is an amazing time and you never get a second chance to feel and enjoy this period. It’s a time of excitement and anxiety, it holds mixed emotions of lovingness and belongingness, and at the same time a time that generates a sense of ownership and responsibility. The union of fiancé and fiancée much before they become husband and wife brings them closer, connects them emotionally and strengthens their bond.

Obviously, a pre wedding shoot during this period is an opportunity to capture those moments by way of photographs and preserve those precious moments forever. Not to mention, this is a unique phase and hence this time should not be missed.

Become comfortable in front of the camera:

How many times have you taken pre-wedding photographs? Is any photo shoot easy? Have you ever faced the camera without any hesitation? The answer to all of these questions is certainly “no”! Whatever the kind of photo shoot you are getting involved in, it is never easy to face the camera. A little amount of hesitation will always prevail before you get used to the surrounding, the lens and the cameraman.

Your pre-wedding shoot too is not going to be a cakewalk. You will have to invest time to get associated with it, get familiar with the camera, follow the photographer’s directions, and give your best – if you want the photographs to be awesome.

Therefore, the first step here is to get comfortable in front of the camera, meaning, maintaining normalcy and not getting conscious when you are before the lens. Experts suggest you should practice the following things before the day of your photo shoot pre-wedding:

· Spend a little time every day facing the camera.

· Record some of your snaps or videos and observe yourself.

· Try different angles, take held of someone to hold the camera.

· Try taking snaps in different attires.

· To practice, you may even use the camera in your mobile phone.

This will help you introspect yourself, your best gestures, your camera-friendly body language, and above all, help you know which presentation style suits you.

Show off your own style:

This much anticipated photo shoot is an opportunity for you for a variety of reasons. One such reason is that you can expose yourself in front of the camera in your own way and make a style statement with your appearance.

You may get a professional who is expert in pre wedding shoot Pune and other locations. But first, it is important to believe that you have an individuality of your own from which a style spurts and you have every good reason to expose this style. You may take some days or maybe weeks to tap your style but once done, take pride in your style and use this photo session as a prospect to present yourself effectively.

Get to know the style of your photographer:

While aligning yourself with this highly ambitious event of pre-wedding photo shoot, you should also spend some time with the photographer with an objective to know his style. Every photographer has his or her unique way of photo shooting and has different innovative abilities. When you know about them, you can synchronize your activities, dressing, makeover, etc. with the photographer’s style so your styles complement with each other. As a result, the photographs would be really outstanding.

As much important it is to choose the best professional around for your pre wedding photography, you must pay attention to knowing the professional’s style and then style yourself accordingly.

Make friends with the photographer:

It is true that you need the most professional guy for this photo shoot, but it is not less significant that you need to be at ease and be comfortable when the snapping goes on. To get rid of any reason to shy away because of the presence of a third person, which is this photographer, a good idea is to make friends with him, or her.

This way, you will develop a sort of compatibility with this person which would put the photographer and the couple at pace with each other and result will show in images.

Beautiful Photos for Wedding Invitations and Décor:

Together with the pre wedding shoot, you may ask your photographer to take some snaps to go with the wedding invitation. In fact, this should be part of the plan as the next aspect to stress on here is you can get more photos for the décor for wedding. You may have this included in a single package, but it’s a good initiative to discuss all this beforehand.

Generational Souvenirs:

Pre-wedding photographs can also be part of generational souvenirs and they can accompany the gifts from your side. Take some special photographs for this purpose, away from the other snaps you are taking for the photo shoot.


Conducting special photo sessions before wedding has now become a trend and it is here to stay. You may see more creativity and experiments going forward as people will be more enthusiastic to get snaps which make them stand out. All you need is to finalize a seasoned pre wedding shoot Pune.