A limited company is owned by a bunch of shareholders. Irrespective of the number of shareholders in a company, their rights and obligations need to be established systematically. The document doing so is called a shareholders’ agreement.

A shareholders’ agreement is a legal document that acts as an arrangement between the shareholders of a company. In British Columbia, it enlists all the rights and obligations of every business shareholder of a company operating in BC. This arrangement deals with multiple aspects, including voting rights, share transfers, share issuance, and many more. The document is important to establish unambiguous guidelines to ensure seamless governance.

If you have a company with more than one shareholder, you should consider a shareholders’ agreement to manage your operation efficiently. Seek help from experienced corporate lawyers in British Columbia to draft this agreement in the interest of your business as well as its shareholders.


Here are some of the most important reasons why you need a shareholders’ agreement:


Safeguarding Minority Shareholders

People owning a small percentage of a company’s shares often have a limited say in its operations. Such limited power is often vulnerable. A shareholders’ agreement protects the rights of such minority shareholders by clearly enlisting them in the document. These rights can range from supermajority votes for critical decisions to veto rights on specific issues.


Defining Roles And Responsibilities

Every company needs a shareholders’ agreement to define the roles, responsibilities, and expectations of every shareholder. This ensures that everyone stays on the same page throughout their stint with the company. In case of any misunderstanding or confusion, the shareholders can refer to this agreement for answers.


Ensuring Smooth Business Operations

A shareholders’ agreement mentions clauses that are important to ensure smooth daily procedures within an organization. When the management and the shareholders are aware of this, business operations become smoother. The document contains provisions that deal with how important decisions should be made, how profits will be distributed, and how the company’s operations should be managed.


Regulating Transfer Of Shares

Random and uncontrolled share transfers are unhealthy for a company’s operations. Shareholders’ agreements regulate these actions by imposing necessary restrictions on share transfers. The agreement may also require people to transfer shares to existing shareholders before selling them to outsiders. Such decisions allow the management to exercise fruitful control over the company’s operations.


Resolving Disputes

This is arguably the biggest benefit and use of a shareholders’ agreement. It is common for disputes and misunderstandings to arise between shareholders. A shareholder may also have disputes with the company for various reasons. During such circumstances, the management and the shareholders can resort to this agreement. It often has clauses that help resolve disputes regarding mediation, buy-sell provisions, arbitration, and more. A well-defined and holistic shareholders’ agreement prevents cumbersome litigation in case of internal disputes.


Future Planning

A shareholders’ agreement has provisions about the actions to be taken in the event of a shareholder’s demise, disability, or exit from the company. It ensures that the organization continues operating smoothly in the future despite a few ongoing uncertainties. This prevents business operations from getting hampered and keeps shareholders secure in the future.


Ensuring Stability

A limited company is often established with the hope that it lives forever. A shareholders’ agreement ensures your company’s stability by outlining how it should be managed while shareholders come and go. 


Avoiding Unwanted Outcomes

In the absence of a shareholders’ agreement, the federal laws apply to the company operating in British Columbia. These default rules may not be in the interest of every shareholder of the company. With this legal document, shareholders can avoid unwanted outcomes and prevent uncertainties that may not be in their best interest.


Having Legal Clarity

A shareholders’ agreement provides every member of your company with legal clarity and certainty. It significantly reduces legal challenges and the risk of disputes that take too long to resolve. With this document, your company’s shareholders know their obligations and powers that legally bind them to the organization.


Draft A Comprehensive Shareholders’ Agreement For Your Company With Cube Law

Whether you are setting up a new company or making your company public, Cube Law will help you create a comprehensive and detailed shareholders’ agreement. Our corporate lawyers will guide you every step of the way, ensuring that the rights and interests of all your shareholders are protected. Our legal professionals will also help you understand the legal jargon and the clauses you may find difficult to understand.


(Please note that this content is written for informational purposes only. Do not consider this legal advice from Cube Law. To learn more about our services and draft a shareholders’ agreement for your company, contact Cube Law today.)